[Feature Request] Hide Highlights on Reading Reviews

What I propose is to have a option to hide sentence highlights in Reading mode.


In this particular sentence, I read it, thought I understood, then revealed the answer, and realized that I completely missed the point in the sentence, just seeing the unhidden highlight.

That means, just by hiding the highlights, I avoided the “illusion of understanding”. I would mark the point as Good, but in actuality, I needed to mark it as Hard. In the “real world”, I don’t see color-coded sections of text anywhere right?

I wrote a browser UserScript to make use of it until the feature is added or not, Of course, it doesn’t work on the App, so it’s at best, a dirty workaround. I hope the staff will find the suggestion worthwhile and make it available everywhere, it’s not good to depend on userscripts.


If it doesn’t work, refresh the review page.

A few useful links:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bunpro Reviews Remove Highlights
// @namespace    https://bunpro.jp/
// @version      1.0
// @description  Remove Highlights on Bunpro Reviews, and show them after translated sentence shows
// @author       imsamuka
// @match        https://bunpro.jp/reviews
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    function recursiveClassToggle(element, onoff) {
      Object.values(element.children).forEach((e) => {
        e.classList.toggle("hidden-question", onoff);
        if (e.children.length > 0) recursiveClassToggle(e, onoff);

    function waitForElement(selector, callback) {
        const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations, obs) => {
            const element = document.querySelector(selector);
            if (element) {

        observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });

    waitForElement('.bp-quiz-trans-wrap > .bp-quiz-trans', (el) => {
        const observer = new MutationObserver((muts) => {
        muts.forEach((mut) => recursiveClassToggle(document.querySelector(".bp-quiz-question"), mut.target.classList.contains('invisible')));
      observer.observe(el, {attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
      recursiveClassToggle(document.querySelector(".bp-quiz-question"), el.classList.contains('invisible'))

    // Apply the CSS
        .hidden-question {
          color: #fff !important;


Nice idea. I think perhaps having the highlight be revealable (like cycling through hint/translation levels on the regular mode) would be quite useful. Edit: I mean if this is added as an option, not for you to add to your user script!


I’ve also requested this feature, but no one backed the idea and it was ignored. I want this desperately.


I’m trying to think – would this be a good default for Reading mode?

I don’t see color-coded sections of text anywhere right?

Trying to avoid settings-overload, and this is a good point, especially for the Reading type. :thinking:

Opinions welcome, everyone and anyone!


I think it definitely would have its place. With highlighting I default to the point/word in question first, looking the rest of the sentence over for context after. Having no highlighting would make me read the entire sentence and then grade for comprehension. it would force more engagement out of me for sure.

sidenote, currently I use reading mode as a quick flashcard review with context. for this the highlighting is great but would much rather have a flashcard style that flips just the word/definition with a random sentence included underneath upon flip


I think so, but well, my opinion is a little bit too biased being the one who suggested the thing :joy:

One could argue that the un-highlighted version would be expected version for most users trying “the Reading mode” for the first time, and the highlights are unexpected training wheels.

As a middle ground to not disrupt the users changing current behavior, you could leave the highlight activated for everyone that is using the current Reading Mode right now, and leave it disabled by default to everyone else, including new users.


I also agree with removing the highlighting during reading reviews! :+1:
Rabbits don’t like training wheels, because they make us feel like hamsters :yum: :ferris_wheel:

But it would still be good to see the highlighting after revealing “the answer”.
Otherwise, there is the extra chance of failing the review “for the wrong reason”, i.e. because you didn’t understand something else in the sentence, other than the target vocab/grammar point.