Feedback - Bug Reports

Hello I noticed a visual bug on the profile page. As you can see I completed all N3 grammar points, however the bar shows there would still be some that aren’t yet learned.
It seems to appear on the dashboard as well however it isn’t as noticeable. I had to really get close to the monitor to see it.


Grammar 点(てん):aspect, respect, or point
N3 Lesson 2, 22/22, has an audio vs text mismatch

It says in the audio 撃ちがち、but in the text it says 撃てる。

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Did something change with clues and self-study? It might just be me, but none of my self-study ‘blue texts’ are showing up anymore. For example, here’s a bunch of my self-study for かどうか:

But none of the blue text showed up when I just did a bunch of reviews. (Also, the font rendering is a bit weird - the kanji is bigger than the hiragana, but it’s only happening in this screen for self-study sentences, not the built-in Bunpro sentences and not during the actual review.)

And the October suddenly showed in the graph today

No, both are transitive. The first one is とめる (intr. pair is 止まる/とまる), the second one is やめる (intr. pair is 止む/やむ). やめる and やむ are usually written with kana however. (I don’t use the vocab decks, so I don’t know how it’s presented when reviewing).

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Hi, the “Reset” button at the bottom of grammar reviews appears to be broken (tried it on Firefox and Chrome, clicking it has no effect but I tried the “Remove from reviews” button next to it which seems to work fine").

Edit: apparently it actually does remove the review, however only after refreshing the page. Might be worth having some kind of visual to make this clear? E.g. resetting all of the stats in the screenshot right away, or giving a little “grammar reset” popup.

While I was doing my reviews, two が’s appeared!

Example sentence seems fine:

Okay, so I want to add to a previous bug report I made, which I will quote here for reference:

Earlier, related beg report about the vocabそう:

Basically, BP has two different vocab entries for ‘the’ word そう, namely:

Since both vocabs only present the text ‘そう’ to the user, it’s impossible to tell which is which during reviews. And there’s no single common answer that is actually correct for both cases (as far as I can tell; correct me if I’m wrong).

So (pun intended), the first ‘bug’ in this updated bug report is:

  1. There should be some way to distinguish between these two vocabs during reviews (in general, between any two vocabs with the same ‘spelling’). Possible suggestions:
    • ‘そう-in-that-way’ already lists 然う as a rarely used kanji when you open up the item’s details, it’s just that this clue is not visible during reviews; perhaps make it visible in some way? Maybe change the main text of the entry to use the rare kanji, ‘然う’; this is how distinguishes the two entries, BTW.
    • Plain old ‘そう’ is the one where it follows a verb or adjective stem, so maybe it could be displayed as something like ‘~そう’ or whatever, to indicate the grammatical/structural difference.

However, there are at least a couple more issues with the two vocab entries for ‘そう’, of which my previous bug report (quoted above) only talked about the Plain-old-‘そう’ entry. So (pun intended again), remaining issues:

  1. BP appears to have miscategorized both of the entries (previous bug report only mentioned one entry):
    1. Plain old そう is listed as “adverb, 副詞”, yet lists it as “Auxiliary, Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)”. Since it’s always added to the end of words, I suspect that the categorization is correct.

    2. ‘そう-in-that-way’ is listed as “Interjection, 感動詞”. However, I don’t think this makes sense as an interjection. Seems like it’s just a random miscategorization error. lists it as “Adverb (fukushi)”, which is probably why Plain-old-そう was miscategorized as “adverb, 副詞” in the first place.

    3. Actually, on, ‘然う’ / ‘そう-in-that-way’ also lists two additional meanings:

      • so - Usually written using kana alone, used to express agreement with something said
      • so? - Usually written using kana alone, used to express doubt with something said

      Perhaps the first one of these qualifies as an “Interjection, 感動詞”? In any case, the ‘in that way’ meaning doesn’t seem to be an interjection.
      Also, BunPro lists it as N5, but I’m not sure where that information comes from ( doesn’t list it as N5, but maybe that’s their omission?) Maybe there ‘needs’ to be a third vocab to cover the ‘interjection’ version of ‘そう’, if that happens to be the meaning intended to be within the N5 vocab deck?

Anyway, long story short: The current BP entries are definitely ‘confused’, making it difficult to progress on the vocab reviews. Hopefully this additional information in this bug report will make it easier to tweak the two entries so they can be reviewed more easily.

Hello dear supporting team and thank you for your continuous service!

I’ve noticed pretty long ago SRS stages progress in the item status being weird, is it just me?


Just bumping my earlier report - none of the ‘blue text’ which serves as a hint/context shows up for self-study sentences anymore. Makes reviews really painful for dummies like me who put in a ton of extra sentences hoping to get all the Self Study Badges. I have somewhere between 750/1000 sentences, and now none of them have context anymore when they show up. :frowning:

Hey! I have been looking into this. But I am unable to replicate it. :cry: Could you send me the Japanese and English texts of one of your sentences please?

I can’t load reviews via the Android app (it’s stuck at “Loading…”). Using the web version is fine though. Not sure it it’s just happening to me. Tried clear cache and restart my phone, still the same.


I’m having the same issue with the iOS app as well.
I also tried the same steps around resetting the app data but the problem persisted.

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Trying to add new vocab/grammar keeps getting stuck on loading. Using the website.


@Seirios359 @Isona @GrymSylvar
We are working on that bug! For the time being, it might be best to use the website for the reviews.

We are really sorry for the inconvienience :bowing_man:


In “Your Progress” on the dashboard, the count of Beginner level (id srs_beginner_count) does not include Beginner 1/SRS 0 items after toggling between grammar and vocab.

When the page first loads it starts as the correct value, confirmed by clicking on it and bringing up the modal.

Toggling to vocab, the counts change to the correct values for vocab (possibly only because I do not currently have any vocab at Beginner 1/SRS 0).

Toggling back to grammar, while other ranks change back to their grammar numbers, the number displayed in Beginner is now the correct value - the number of items in Beginner 1/SRS 0. Since I began taking note, it was reduced by 1 when there was 1 Beginner 1/SRS 0 item, and reduced by 2 when there was 2 Beginner 1/SRS 0 items. Bringing up the modal shows the same number of items as it did previously.

Continuing to toggle back and forth between vocab and grammar does not further reduce the Beginner count, and the other categories remain correct.

I’m seeing this with grammar given the state of my progress but assuming this may happen with vocab items at Beginner 1/SRS 0 as well.


I don’t know if it’s related, but at the same time I also had that bug (can’t study new grammar/vocab, stuck on “Loading…” when I go Quiz Me), another bug I noticed was that when I do reviews, I no longer see the Ghost Review icon (little black ghostie thing) when actually reviewing ghost items.

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@Seirios359 @Isona @GrymSylvar @wct
The native reviews should be working now :slight_smile:

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I’m still getting the problem where I can’t add new vocab. I go to Decks > BunPro N4 Vocab > Learn [8], and I can go through my 8 new lessons, but when it gets to the Quiz Me part, I just end up with a review screen where "Loading… " appears where the quiz review sentence should be.

Could you send me the Japanese and English texts of one of your sentences please?

Sure thing - here’s some screenshots first:

  • Bunpro built-in sentence during reviews:

    The blue shows up as a hint before you put in your answer.

  • Self-study sentence during reviews:

    The blue part doesn’t show up as a hint anymore during reviews. Makes it difficult to guess which grammar point I’m supposed to be drilling.

  • Here’s what my input looks like for this Self-study sentence:

    You can see I bolded the part I wanted to be the hint; that’s how it used to work until a few weeks ago or so.

Here’s the sentences:
先生(せんせい)は私(わたし)に英語(えいご)を____。(話(はな)す ・ てくれる)
Alternate answers:
The teacher did not allow / let me speak in English.

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