Using the website on my Android phone the frame at the end of lessons overlaps with the button icon.
Hi @wct , thanks for getting in touch! It appears that Jisho is missing the 感動詞 meaning of そう. Unfortunately, like pretty much all of the online dictionaries, jisho is not complete all of the time. The 感動詞 meaning may be seen in both Takoboto and the wictionary.そう#:~:text=(「そうだ」「そうか,こういう方法もあった。
It appears that you are correct that the sentences for そう appear to be a bit out of whack though! I will change the titles right now. Thanks for pointing it out! I will also add a way to differentiate the two そう’s when doing reviews… perhaps the word type in brackets next to it? そう(副詞) for example. I will also add そう as an interjection to one of the vocabulary lists for the future, as that specific usage is pretty much always just そう、(followed by a comma and then some other statement).
Just as a side note about the N levels, we use a few different resources to decide the level. Jisho, Takoboto, Genki, TRY and Kanzen Master.
Thanks for looking into it!
Unfortunately though, I still seem to be stuck on Learn → “soredemo” → “Quiz!” → “Quiz Me!” → [no actual quiz] → “Good Job!” → “Continue?” → “soredemo”, etc.
However, as a workaround, I’ve found I can go into the deck, find the next grammar point, study and then click “Add to Reviews” at the bottom of the page
Fixed it! Thank you for the heads up!
When I start my reviews, the first review has the play button, even if I haven’t answered the question yet. The 2nd, 3rd etc. reviews behave correctly (the play button only appears after I submit an answer). If I wrap up the lesson and restart it, the play button appears again during the first review. The button is fully functional, plays the correct audio.
It started happening a few days ago, maybe after the color update?
Latest Firefox (106.0.3, 64-bit), Win10.
Can someone tell me why is this even in a vocab deck:
八分 - Japanese Grammar Explained | Bunpro
and why does it have はちふん furigana? Is this intentional?
It threw me off guard with it’s furigana and I can’t find anything like that in a dictionary, there seems to be only はちぶ and はっぷん.
It’s probably in the vocab deck simply because it’s a common numerical/counting word which involves modifying one or more of the readings.
But you’re right, it should actually have kana as はっぷん
[P.S. Can anyone remind me of what this is called? I’m familiar with rendaku, when a second kanji’s reading is modified, but what is it called when the first kanji’s reading gets changed to end in っ, without changing the second kanji’s reading? Is that also still called rendaku, or does it have a distinct name?]
The review forecast ignores the day light savings in the selected time zone so it is now one hour off, until the change to winter time it was correct.
Thank you for your feedback! I’ve corrected the reading. We’re still ironing out some bugs in the vocab beta and reports like this are very helpful. Thank you!
Like @wtc mentioned, it’s common enough to be integrated and it helps you get your feet wet with counters.
Hi ! It seems that it’s still impossible to cram when selecting your own grammar point. For exemple when i’m studying new grammar point i like to do cram only with them before going into my reviews but it’s impossible, if you select more than 15 (approximately) grammar point I will be lock on the loading message.
I’m working through the Genki I Complete Deck (vocab + grammar) and the following 3 cards are now showing up everytime I add new items:
This makes it so that I’m only actually adding 2 new cards every time I study instead of 5. The quiz at the end skips these 3 and only quizzes me over the 2 new cards.
Any idea how to “unstick” these?
I noticed that I’m not getting the badges for slaying ghosts. I’m pretty sure I should have gotten to 13 already, since my number of ghosts dropped from from 29 to 3 in the last weeks, but so far I only unlocked the 4 badge.
Thank you!
not a bug but the in the にしては lesson one example says:
- 彼は毎日漢字の勉強をしているにしては全然漢字を読めない。
For someone that studies kanji everyday, he can’t read it at all.
It should say “every day” (meaning 毎日), not “everyday” (meaning 日常・普段 and an adjective in English).
Technically not a bug but not worth making a thread over this either.
I’ve been encountering an issue in Cram sessions where it seems like I’m being graded against a different grammar point than what is presented. Oddly, when I Report the question, it looks like it shows the actual grammar point that I was being graded against in the associated Report ticket.
Another “not a bug but”.
In the さえ lesson there is the example:
- 上級者の彼でさえ出来ないのに、あなたが出来るわけがないでしょう。
Even someone in the class level can’t do it, there is no way you can do it.
I guess it should say “advanced class level”, no?
And another incorrect “everyday” in the さえ~ば lesson:
- この薬を毎日飲みさえすれば、すぐに治りますよ。
As long as you drink this medicine everyday, it will heal quickly.
Even more of them (笑)
- 小学生の頃は毎日学校に行ったものだ。
I used to go to school everyday when I was an elementary student. (Unnatural, as this is a normal event)
- 昔は毎日のように親父とけんかをしたものだ。
In the past I fought with my father everyday. (Natural, as this is a meaningful event)
Maybe best to just check every lesson for this by ctrl+f-ing where you keep the drafts of the lessons? I’ll stop reporting this same mistake on that assumption (笑)