Feedback - Bug Reports

In this sentence, the solution たまってくる is suggested, but not accepted. The accepted answer is たまっていく.

When I’m doing reviews I want to check the grammar info of the current card but it shows me an the grammar for the wrong card sometimes.


I have the same problem, lately bunpro doesn’t mark anything I learn.

Could you fix the formatting of the nuance hints please.

…and even better, make it possible to only see them when requested.

I am on an iPad, using the safari browser fully-screen, in portrait mode.

— Dave

Sending alternative answers for vocab cloze quizzes through the feedback form doesn’t work anymore (at least in the old UI).

There are no spaces between highlighted words at the hint section.

I’m on PC using Chrome.

Possibly a fairly large one here - but the book grammar path for みんなの日本語 I is missing grammar points that it contains.

Some of these grammar points even have みんなの日本語 I down as a resource - for example, the or point (but this is definitely not the only one).

See the images below - the book is listed as an offline resource, but it isn’t in the book path.

This is/was an issue with the legacy style of reviews and has been fixed with the new Reviews 2.0 Beta. To access it, you’ll need to go into your settings and then opt-into the beta manually. There are a few areas that still need to get ported over into the beta (like Cram) but outside of that, the new style of reviews has fixed this problem.

Sorry for the confusion and slight headache! This was an annoying problem, glad that going forward it should be a thing of the past though.

@kw27 I believe this issue should now be solved.

@davebp @Nostreum The visual bugs with the nuance should be changed with the recent release please let me know if you come across any further issues.

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There’s a typo in the hint for 折には when it pops up as a review.

Currently the text reads :

A formal , old-fahsioned expression, used for highlighting usually positive occasions . On the fold of (A), (B).

Yes! Looks great now - thank you!

1st : When learning new Vocab, there is generally a “quiz me” afterward. In this “quiz me” section the program is stuck on Cloze-style input. I have all of my vocab learnings set to manual input but am still tested cloze-style during the “quiz-me” portion.

Can someone confirm this and please revert it back to how it was?

2nd: During the vocab learning a translation or sometimes many translations are given. During the “quiz me” - a completely random word is highlighted to translate that is not found in the learning translation area. Sometimes the word might have relevance but it was not even give in the learning area of a vocab word. Basically I have to guess what it might be - this has only started happening since yesterday.

@Asher Could you please add a hint for とはいえ in ~と言っても - Japanese Grammar Explained | Bunpro mentioning this isn’t the answer Bunpro is looking for?
Sorry to bugging you on the forum, but it takes so much time waiting for response from the dedicated feedback form :sweat_smile:

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No worries, will get it added :ok_hand:

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.Will we get the ability to have no hint/nuance?

— Dave

I had this happen again yesterday–I failed にしたら but didn’t get a ghost review for it. Is this happening to anyone else?

I mistakenly did this again trying to multi-task some reviews with my breakfast at a bakery. /facepalm

I saw some weird shruggy emoji ¯\(ツ)/¯ flash across the input field that I don’t think I saw last time; maybe an attempt was made at fixing this? It still marked the answers wrong in my review summary, though.

DM me if you’re unable to reproduce this and need console logs or something. Happy to provide.

Been seeing a fairly weird bug after my last few reviews. I use the app on Android.

In the summary page, none of the sentences match the ones I did in my review. The grammar points are correct and the sentences reflect everything that I had to go over during the session. But the sentences aren’t the same as the ones that I actually did during the review.

Noticed this a few times, at first just because I wanted to look back at what I missed but they weren’t there, but this time I checked every point and I didn’t do a single one of the sentences in the summary page.

Just wondering if there is a way you guys can use programming to accept answers which are either just the stuff not in brackets or just the stuff in brackets?


I get so fed up of adding synonyms like “koto” and “zheng” and “Chinese zither” etc. in all of the (hundreds of?) cases like this.

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@Jack Sometimes I zoom Bunpro UI to make it more legible. But then the review stats panel constantly changes its height from one line to two lines and vice versa:

Could I ask you replace css classes for .in-review-stats from col-md-4 col-md-offset-5 to col-md-9? This should completely resolve the issue.