Feedback - Bug Reports

This error pops up if you submit a question and the request to the server fails (because of the server or your internet connection).

I think we pushed a fix where the problem was with the server.
Glad this was resolved!

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I think wanikani sync is broken (otherwise its just broken for me). I’m guessing since their kana only vocab updates.

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Really liking the beta dashboard :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just the forecast isn’t currently loading - stuck on an endless loop of loading:




Haha, I was just curious when I think it was you mentioned an update to the dashboard being almost ready :yum:

Happy to hide the post if it avoids some of BunPro’s closest guarded secrets getting out haha.


Nah you’re all good :joy:
I could put it behind an admin restriction if we really cared :eyes:

Next time I’m gonna get way more creative with the /beta/ URLs… and leave you a breadcrumb trail of clues


The forecast is looking good now :wink:

As a suggestion, perhaps keep the bars as they are but change the numbers to show the cumulative amount?
I think a lot of us can’t help but start doing mental math to add up those numbers as they go on :joy:

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Having a problem starting reviews from the N4 deck section. Clicking grammar reviews on the homescreen opens up reviews just fine, but if I click on reviews on the N4 deck itself under the decks page, I get stuck on an inf loading screen. Been like this the last couple of days. I’ve reset my cache, so I don’t think it’s on my end.


The numbers on top of the bars should be the cumulative amount!
Unless I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying (likely) :thinking:

I don’t really know what is happening here…
I also regained all xp related achievements.

Oh, I just mean it would be useful to have some way to see how many reviews will “pile up” over time, e.g.


A way to see that, if I don’t do any reviews before 8pm, then there will be 29 waiting for me at that time.
If I don’t do any reviews before 9pm, then there will be 70 waiting for me at that time.

I do like the chart as it is though and it’s just a suggestion - I realise that adding running totals can really make the scale of graphs shoot up, which is why using just the numerical form might be a good way around that problem.

The Wanikani option for furigana is now showing all furigana for me.

On completing a vocab review session, the summary page for the previous grammar review session was shown instead of the summary for that vocab review session.

Mobile Text Size Issue

The text suddenly became very small on mobile, making it hard to read (on a Pixel6).
It seems I can somehow zoom in by “pinching”, but that doesn’t work very well either…

“Bug Report” malfunctioning

I tried to report the previous bug using the “Report a bug” option in the main menu. It opened my mail client (Proton), but there was a little popup saying that the destination mail was invalid and had been removed. So I end up with an empty mail with no destination address.

“Feedback” feature not working?

I’m not sure if there’s a bug and you’re not getting them, or you just don’t have time to read them, but all of my multiple feedbacks are still in “in progress” (some from 1 year ago).

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Happens with N5, N4, N3, and N2, fully completed or not.
Happens with the Genki Decks, too.


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I’m having the same issue. :frowning: This has been happening since yesterday. Basically if I try to open ANY deck from the “deck” page, I get an infinite loading screen.

I usually use chrome, but I also tried in Safari and I have the same issue. I tried in incognito, cleared cache and cookies. All that jazz. No luck.


Chrome in Incognito mode:

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@pabbles268 @Worst_Waifu

Sorry for the late response.

We’ve identified the issue and have a fix upcoming for it.
Watch out for the post about the release of Reviews 2.0 – once that is released this bug will also be fixed! Should be out tomorrow.

Also I’m adding a fix so that an error modal displays instead of just getting a vague infinite loading spinner :bowing_man:

EDIT: Actually the error message was already there, it was just covered by the loading spinner :man_facepalming:


Reveal and grade don’t work on custom sentences.

新しい! label now sticks to the link in the old UI.

the problem of the font getting unusually thin all of a sudden in review mode still persists. its highly annoying please fix it. (its only in firefox and not in chrome)