Feedback - Bug Reports

I noticed a lot of grammar in my reviews weren’t auto playing the audio. After opening up the grammar page outside of the review and looking at the examples, it looks like many of the sentences don’t have audio - is this a bug or have more sentences been added since the recent update that don’t have audio recorded for them?


Many sentences on the site have had small ongoing fixes very recently, and due to the fixes, the audio no longer matches. This is true for all levels currently. However, we are planning on redoing the audio in the very, very near future, so apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime.

The current fixes were to make the sentences as natural as possible, and highlight individual uses of grammar structures more clearly, so overall a great thing for the site! :blush:.

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(Android app) Cannot add vocab synonyms with capital letters or numbers

When typing a new synonym word with capital letters or numbers, it shows up fine until I click the save button. Then it strips the caps and numbers out of the word.

Example: I want to add “day 3” as a synonym for 3rd day of the month. Currently, that’s not possible in the Android app.

Not sure if this is the thread for it, but doesn’t really feel like a feature request either, more request for a return of functionality that I’m not sure if it was deliberately removed or not: The change to the vocab search has made it basically unusable.

In smooshing the results so you have 3 items per line, the 2 pieces of information I most want to know about a vocab word I’m searching for have been removed.

  1. Do I already have this word in my reviews or not? Last week, when I searched a vocab word, I’d see the little Bunpro logo on the side if I had the word in my reviews, and wouldn’t see it otherwise. This was VERY helpful to me (because I’m manually adding vocab word by word.)

  2. How is the word pronounced? Used to have the hiragana pronunciation next to the word, and what I’m doing is skimming the readings looking for a couple words I like with a given reading (to associate that reading with that particular kanji in the word.) Currently it doesn’t even work on mouseover for me, I have to click each word. But even if it were mouseover, that’d make this process take 10x longer than it needs to.

I’m trying not to be overdramatic, but these aren’t just workflow changes, these are “If this is deliberate I guess I need to go back to doing vocab on Anki” changes. But I’m also not sure they’re deliberate changes, because it seems weird to hide that information (given it used to be there and was very useful.)

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Another one: in grammar review it no longer gives furigana on mouseover for vocab I don’t have in reviews. I don’t want to click and get a definition, I want to mouseover the word and get the furigana!

I think having the option to click for the definition is great, but the fact that it’s removing the mouseover furigana is a problem.

Sorry to be such a squeaky wheel about all this stuff.

Edit: looks like it’s only some, maybe it’s something to do with which deck the vocab is from compared to which vocab I’ve added?

Edit 2: Now it seems to be working as expected? Maybe it was particularly to that card, I’ll try to find it again.

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There is something kind of strange about this grammar point:

It has no information at all in both the Structure and Details section, and while it’s in the N3 Grammar deck, it is being skipped over in the learn queue.

EDIT: The same is true for this one:


Done! Hope this makes your searching a nicer experience

in grammar review it no longer gives furigana on mouseover for vocab I don’t have in reviews. I don’t want to click and get a definition, I want to mouseover the word and get the furigana!

Can you please send a screenshot for this one?
Not quite sure where/what you’re referring to.

These are the new Grammar Points that were added recently.

I believe @Asher is adding the Structure/Details soon.

As for why it’s not showing up in Learn, I’ll take a look.

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I know it often takes some time to load, but the summary page after completing reviews doesn’t seem to be loading at all at the moment, even after reloading the page, completing another review session, etc:

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Found the issue. On it!

EDIT: Fixed!

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Seems to be working again already! :grin:

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Hi! It looks like the search has stopped working properly.

When I look for “dehanaku” the result is there, but when I type “ではなく”, で is replaced with two characters: て and combining dakuten diacritic (U+3099), and nothing is found! Looks like the query is not url encoded correctly. If I paste ではなくdirectly into url, it works.


Yeah, this seemed to solve itself as I was complaining about it. The issue was on the Android app, open the Learn drawer, and touch the three “more” dots for N5 vocab.

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Hey! I’ve been having an issue just in the last few hours where it says I’m supposed to have 30 reviews on the hour, but the site will only give me 1 few when the hour changes, and the rest will show up randomly as the hour goes on, instead off them all showing up when the hour changes. This hasn’t really happened to me before today.

Right now, for example, it says I should have 34 reviews this hour, but the site only gave me 1 review at 4:00pm.

Hi there!
Out of curiosity, are you on Mac?

Hello! No, I’m not, I’m on Windows and I use Chrome.

It looks like the query string is normalized using canonical decomposition (.normalize("NFD")), that’s why it breaks で into two characters


God bless our users. You were bang on!
Just pushed a fix for this.

How did you find this out by the way?
Mega curious…


I’m glad that I could help!

I guess I just happened to play with unicode nomalization in the past, so I remember that it can split one character into many


Did you made some changes to synonyms lately ? or answer validity check ?
I have valid answers marked wrong for synonyms containing at least two accents. Words containing one accent seems to work fine.
Now every time I input a word with two accents, even if it is correctly spelled (both in answer field, and in the synonym), the answer is not accepted. If I input the same word without accent the answer is accepted (saying there is a slight difference between the input and the answer).
If you can do something about this, it would be really nice, thanks !

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