Feedback - Bug Reports

I don’t feel like I have it anymore (i mean upscaling from the begining)
Do i have hallucinations or someone has fixed it this fast?

There are still some bugs, but my frontend dev usually says that I’m perfectionist and we don’t have close every little thing :laughing:

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Hi again.

Just checked your account.

Seems this is fixed? Where are you seeing this?

Just tried this myself too on Firefox (albeit on Mac).

Couldn’t replicate this… :thinking:
It’s been happening every time?

Hi there! Thanks for the report.

Can you please give me some more details as to where this is happening?

I see quite a few questions like this these days, with the English translation of the required answer given in curly brackets at the end instead of being bolded within the example sentence being tested:

so, just installed the app on a new Android,
when I submit an answer it does this. mobile browser works tho

I’ve tried it a bunch more. Sometimes the issue happens every time and sometimes autoplay works every time :see_no_evil: It might be related to specific questions after all.

For example

these two questions didn’t autoplay on several attempts

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It’s happening to me too, win10, Firefox.

Here’s a way I could reproduce it consistently:

  • Practice → Cram
  • Search for the grammar point “に際して”, add to the cram session
  • Start the session
  • Enter the correct answer: にさいして
  • Expected: the correct audio plays automatically. Actual: it plays only when click on the button or press P.

If I do the exact same steps, but replace it with a different grammar point (e.g. the N5 だ), it plays the audio automatically.

Just in case: the bunpro settings are set to play automatically, and the browser site settings are also set to “Autoplay: Allow Audio and Video”


@hali_g (long time no see!)

It doesn’t happen ever after the first item?

Unfortunately I don’t have a Windows machine to test this on, but I do know the audio system is pretty janky at best.

I suspected it might be to do with auto-play being blocked on first page load, but Bunpro should have a pretty high trust rating as for that not to factor in.

Hi! For the most part, Bunpro has this nice SPA feel to it, but, unfortunately, this is not the case for the decks page, for example. Navigating to it triggers a full page reload, which is quite slow.

Also, sometimes when I navigate to the decks page, I turn out to be logged out for some reason, even though I’m still logged in in the dashboard.

All in all, it looks like Bunpro functions as two separate sites now :laughing:

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Just to confirm, have you tried it on the same sentences on Mac, or on different ones?

a boring debugger screenshot

I’m assuming that the code here is checking “has the audio already been played”, and if yes it should not be played again.
So it’s possible the issue only happens for some of the items that have only one of two voices, either male or female. And more specifically when the url to one of the voice files is an empty string instead of null, which trips the code to think the audio doesn’t need to be played again.
But pressing P key goes through some different code path where that isn’t a consideration.

I’ll see if I can check that in cram.

That was a very helpful hint. I went to read Mozilla’s page on autoplay and programmatic .play(), and it seems the browser would have given a warning in the address bar if it blocked audio. But I don’t see such a warning.

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It seems progress in Learn tab and “JLPT progress” calculates progress differently

learn=205/213 vs progress=210/213

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I tried some cram sessions w/ two grammar points that show this bug:

  • かとおもったら
  • にさいして

Try 1: added only かとおもったら

  • Audio didn’t play automatically

Try 2: added both.

  • The first sentence didn’t play
  • Clicked on the play button, listened to the sentence, then went on to the second sentence
  • The audio did play automatically

Try 3: added both.

  • The first sentence didn’t play
  • I didn’t click on the play button, went on to the second sentence
  • The audio didn’t play automatically

Just in case, try 4: added the だ grammar point

  • The audio did play automatically.

The thing is, it seems consistent in that some grammar points (or sentences) exhibit the issue, and some don’t, so it’s very unlikely to be a browser, trust etc. issue.

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I tried to cram 70 items. Actually, I did cram 70 items. But the numbers in the top-right only showed 69, with the last item showing “0” remaining:

I’ve encountered an odd bug.

I was away on holiday and put Bunpro into Vacation Mode. Now that I’m ready to start again I turned off vacation mode.

Something has gone wrong with my reviews though, I should be getting about 100 or so reviews daily, but after turning off vacation mode I’m not due any reviews now for several days. This is definitely wrong, I’m pretty sure I had reviews today, especially as I have quite a few beginner items to review( I have a Beginner I item that is due in 3 days? ), but, well this is what I see:

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We’re looking into this one.

@Enzo98 also reported this bug, and a few others I believe too.

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Checked your account. Seems to be fine.

The “JLPT Progress” to the right is and the one on the Deck are calculated/cached at different times, so I’m guessing at the time of report you had only just finished the Deck?

Anyway, lemme know if it persists 🙇‍♂️


Thanks to you two and your detailed feedback, was able to replicate this and get it fixed.

Due to some bad code logic by yours truly, it was only happening for questions that only had one available audio gender, hence why it worked fine for some questions and not others.


It is indeed two separate sites at the moment!

The SPA-site will slowly take over the old site.
Decks is high on the list for replacement, so it should be getting a makeover soon.

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I don’t want to send you down the wrong rabbit hole, but when I did press the button to turn off Vacation mode, it did the loading icon while it performed the action, but after that icon disappeared I checked the dashboard and I was still in vacation mode.

I had to do it a second time, which has this bug afterwards.

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