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When using the content search, many items are now marked as “unclassified” that previously had “A” or “E” classifications for vocab items.

For example, if you search it now doesn’t even show the item on the card itself. This just happened two days ago.


Same here. I turned on vacation mode for two months over the summer, and when I came back I had 400+ reviews. I just tested it again this past weekend – I turned on vacation mode for 3 days, and during that time my reviews continued to accumulate, going from 190 to 231. The dashboard says vacation mode is on, but the reviews continue to pile up anyway. :frowning:

I rely on vacation mode a lot to keep from getting overwhelmed whenever I need to take a few days (or weeks) off; please fix!


Hi there! Welcome to the community, and sorry for the inconvenience.

We are working on a fix for this as we speak!

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I have my grammer reviews set to read and reveal, as I am getting into the habit of manually typing them in in cram studies. Regardless, when I add new grammer to my reviews, I still have to manually type them despite my setting to be reveal.

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today, no matter how many reviews I do, at the end of the session it reverts back to “200” reviews instead of how many I had done in the past few minutes (over the course of 20 minutes of doing reviews)


200 is (currently) the upper limit of how many Reviews you can do in one sitting.
You have over 200 due Reviews, so until you have less than 200, it will appear as unending.

Something we’re aiming to fix in the future.

Hi there!

Looks like this is due to your Deck Settings overwriting your global settings.

You can update these Deck Settings on your Dashboard.

Sorry for the confusion, it’s kind of a confusing system I know :sweat_smile:

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An announcement about the Vacation Mode bug:

@Sasugasm @delesley (and any other users affected by the Vacation Mode bug)

The Vacation Mode bug (where Reviews kept piling up) should be fixed now, but we have to manually go back and fix each affected user’s accounts.

What was the approximate start/end date of your vacations?
Using this, I can reset the Reviews back to their expected state.

Again, we apologize for the inconvenience! 🙇‍♂️


The Wanikani sync feature appears to be broken after it was updated to allow a daily sync. I clicked it to update with the most recent vocab I’d covered as a one time sync and it put every vocab lesson from Wanikani back into a Seasoned 1 state and immediately queued them all for review.

I tried to revert it back to a daily sync and the same thing seemed to happen.

I’m quite keen to not repeat the lessons across two different websites, so would prefer to continue to mark them as mastered as before.


That’s good to hear!
I’ve already powered through my reviews by now :v:

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The “sidebar” on the right now only takes up part of the vertical length of the screen.
There is a scrollbar to go down to the lower parts of it though, so everything is still accessible:

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Lesson までに, there is a line like “and the case marking particleに.” where a space is missing. Small cosmetics but still.

Edge browser

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Zrzut ekranu 2024-09-12 085649

Thank you a lot for adding Vocab (and Grammar&Vocab) Progress dashboard, but in my Grammar&Vocab dashboard progress sections seems to be shuffled (not sorted), e.x. Seasoned section is after Adept section. Vocab JLPT Progress looks fine



Fixed and fixed!
Thanks for the great finds :heart:
Given you both Supporter badges.


Dozens of my items have snapped to the (opinion) very bad review mode of needing to type in the English definition for a vocabulary word. I have up until now set 0% of my items to this mode, so I must infer that this is a bug.


The search page claims that I can search using kana, kanji or romaji, but I don’t think the romaji search is currently working:

I think it did work at some point in the past…


To add on this wanikani sync issue, I tried the new sync function and suddenly got two words I already knew and apparently lost xp on completion.
After this I then got two new words in my reviews which were also definitely marked as mastered/burned earlier yet marked as seasoned and decided I won’t touch my bunpro vocab reviews for now.

I was a bit confused by it only happening to a few words and thought initially maybe they had somehow dropped down to apprentice which could maybe warrant them suddenly appearing in bunpro as they’d not be guru anymore, but I can now conclude that they are words that dropped from enlightened to master on wanikani. They’re still nowhere near low enough to warrant being added into bunpro.


To give more detail on this, it seems like they are all A-level vocabulary words, although oddly not all of them. I can’t think of anything I could have done to change so many at once, so it feels like something caused them to flip from “self evaluate” to “manual input”.

Alternate theory: the amount of sentences for words has grown lately. Maybe they had sentences and then the sentences were removed, causing them to default to manual input from reading comprehension? Just hypothesizing.

Did anything like this change in the last five days or so?

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Out of curiosity, did you recently sync Wanikani with your account/enable auto-sync?

Will look into this!