Feedback - Bug Reports

self study sentences are not linked to the grammar point when review.

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Can we please figure out the disappearing review bug on Android? Seems to be hitting me almost every time I do vocab review. If I miss the next-to-last review of the stack, it just goes away. I have to go back in after completing the session and do it by itself. Actually, I’m pretty sure that it isn’t exclusive to the next-to-last review.


I’ve been getting a lot of network timeouts. Not a problem with other sites.




If the problem persists, please contact us.

Advanced Error Details

NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.

This is an odd one.

My N3 grammar deck seems to want to skip this one point in lesson five. It’s the only skipped point in this lesson. Who knows what could cause this behavior :spaghetti:

Slightly nitpicky because I’m sure it will come up eventually in my batches possibly if one of the lessons turn out to have an odd number (I’m doing 2 at a time, 4 daily) and take the two odds, but it doesn’t seem right to delay that one. At worst it might only come up when I reach the end of the deck though which is kinda silly when it’s set to go by order.

For extra info that may or may not be relevant, I’ve skipped a few here and there due to following the taekims deck before, and my batch size is set to 2 so perhaps it just decided it’s going to keep skipping this one grammar point until the end of the deck or it finds another lesson it would’ve skipped and do them in one batch at that point.
It seems off, my deck settings is set to go by order after all which this is seemingly not.

I would’ve imagined it would make more sense to do this grammar point together with the next incomplete point I have in lesson 6, but it seems to just take the first two incomplete points from lesson 6 instead of both.

I did 4 more grammar points yesterday, and 4 more today, and it’s still like this.

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Very small UI bug report but I can see it driving someone’s OCD crazy :sweat_smile:
When switching the JLPT progress graph to vocab or grammar & vocab, if your progress is at 4 digits out of 4 digits the line ends up being shortened because the text is too long:

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Also - is the WK sync broken in some way? It seems like it’s not importing certain guru vocab as Seasoned 1 anymore, whether the daily sync or if I sync manually. I did check and the words do exist on Bunpro.

For example, 助詞 (日本語能力試験 N1) | Bunpro or 昆虫 (日本語能力試験 N2) | Bunpro or 自動詞 (日本語能力試験 N2) | Bunpro or いい加減 (日本語能力試験 N2) | Bunpro… A lot of words that I recently got up to Guru in the past few days (from WK Level 19, if that’s of any relevance), and that are currently Guru, but even triggering a manual sync doesn’t add them to my reviews.
Unless there’s some sort of delay in the WK API where it takes like a day or three before the API is updated with the info that this word is now Guru?


I tried syncing with WaniKani for the first time couple days ago, and only about 300 words were actually imported and marked as mastered. Words like 私 and 学生 are not synced, even though I have them burned in WaniKani. There is definitely something wrong with the syncing feature.


I have tried several times to sync with Wanikani too, no luck. I get a green check mark indicating that everything went OK, but I don’t get the reviews added to my queue.


Are the JLPT levels no longer shown next to the grammar point on the mobile app?

Edit: When I click the Resources tab, it kind of scrolls down but ends up at the example sentences section (and then the N4 text does appear)

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In-App settings do not get saved if modified in Android app.

Example: If I select that I don’t want any hints, the setting will revert back as soon as I leave the settings page.

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I’ve noticed this today as well.

For reference – I’ve used Bunpro on both Chrome and Safari. Encountered similar levels of network timeouts and overall slowness on both.

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After WaniKani sync was changed to automatic, and the temporarily bug with not being able to automatically master words from Wanikani was fixed, I reset my WaniKani vocabulary. Now when syncing I can only get a maximum of 500-600 words imported and mastered, before I had more than 1200.


Ahhh, no but I did recently turn off all furigana, whereas I was previously using WK-sync. I did this following the bug that I complained about earlier where WK sync mode seemed to prevent you from manually toggling any other kanji on or off. That put me in a situation where I had to choose between selecting “show all furigana” and spending probably 20 hours or something turning off most kanji, or ripping the bandage off and just going no furigana. I chose the latter. For the record this is also a bad situation because Bunpro forces kanji for even extraordinarily rare, always written in kana words, and when you have 0 furigana you don’t get the option to toggle any on. This means that there is a large slice of vocabulary that I just can’t touch because I’d be learning it incorrectly.

So yeah, the timing lines up I think. The only proximal action I can think of is turning off furigana. It may also line up with the big expansion of sentences and voiced vocab that went live I think in the last couple of weeks?

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Oh hey, and since I’m stuck doing lots of reviews in “type it out” mode, a low-hanging bug:

The correctness judge (in addition to being too strict imo), blindly splits answers that it will accept by comma, without considering that commas are also used inside parentheticals. So for instance here, “guilty” is wrong, as it wants “guilty (feeling”. “look” and “etc.” are also correct. Simply ignoring anything contained within a pair of parenthesis seems “more correct” than the current behavior, and can be achieved with a simple tweak of the string split logic that you’re currently using.

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Will have this fixed very soon.
Thanks for pointing it out!

Hello again!
What exactly are you seeing on your end?
I just added a Self Study Review to my queue, and I could bring up the details during the Quiz.

Might be a one off bug. Are you able to check again for me please? :pray:

Welcome to the forums @TheEmpty2023!


Thanks for the reports!
We believe the bug causing the intermittent errors was fixed the other day.
Please let us know if you guys are still experiencing issues.

Looking into this again currently!
Thanks for the report 🙇‍♂️

I noticed that when I was doing N3, but I’ve noticed it again in N2 for the lesson 1 grammar points: ~ざる and おおよそ, I see they have no information in their details panel too.

Edit: they were ignored and it went straight to teaching me the lesson two 上 point

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