Feedback - Bug Reports

Hi there!
What Deck is this for and where are you clicking from?
Just accessed your account and tried to replicate this on a Vocab Deck (N3) and didn’t have any issues.
Please let me know if this happens again and where it’s coming from.

Sorry I can’t be of more help… 🙇‍♂️

This is your browser doing this automatically.
I battled this for many hours, but currently I don’t think there is a way to disable this (if someone knows then I’d love to hear).

I strongly suggest you download our Android app:

It is a much better mobile experience, including things like motion gestures etc.

I forgot to disable vacation mode before resetting my ghost reviews and now it is stuck in processing at 99.4%. Is there a way to fix this?

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Hi there! Welcome to the fourms~

I’ve exited vacation on your account manually!

Have a great day, and happy studying!


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Is there a character limit for deck descriptions? or is my internet just that slow it cant update it before it gives up

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How long a description are you trying to add?
Validation says that the title has to be 50 chars or less, and the description simply has to exist.
Is it a Deck with a massive amount of contents?

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581 character description 554 items in deck.

I thought this is why I was having trouble with it on another deck(12k), so I tried doing it early on for this deck. Ill try to edit it next time im out in a cafe or something to see

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This might be a hardware issue but I don’t think it is since nothing like this has happened on any other website or program but today while I was doing my reviews on the bunpro site (chrome browser if that’s relevant), it marked every question as wrong as If I was pressing the enter button over and over again without inputting an answer.
I could see the answers flashing in,
and the little (≧ヘ≦ ) faces and emojis in the input field super fast.
I wasn’t touching my keyboard or mouse when it happened, just reading the question. It happened twice over two review sessions, starting randomly partway through the study session and the second time it happened it even skipped all the way to the results screen meaning the messed up score got recorded and messed up my average :frowning_face:

I dunno if it’s a bug or if it has happened to anyone else? I’ll try recording my next review sesh to see if I can catch it happening.

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Yeah those should be fine parameters and shouldnt cause any lagging.
The pages that use old system can be suuuuuuuuper inconsistent in terms of speed tho I’ve noticed.
Plz let me know if you notice it again!

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This happened for me on the Vocab N5 deck. I think I had added and then later removed certain vocab words. I’m not sure if that might be affecting it or not.

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All while the Learn tab was open?
That could definitely cause issues.

Are you still experiencing the bugs?
I tried this on the N5 Vocab Deck too but still couldn’t replicate :woozy_face:

Audio player breaks for me on cleanup reviews. Is this what they are called? The review at the end of review session for anything you got wrong.


Notice the endless spinning of the player.

It is not due to the specific audio file, because this audio plays fine during the first (failed) review in the same session. And I can manually open the prefetch link fine as well.

It started recently, so could be related to a code change, or a setting change on my part… The only relevant setting I can think of is, I’ve changed my review sessions to be 1 review long (don’t ask xD).


After answering a card, when tapping through to the next card, there is a brief flash where I can see the full English translation revealed.

The screen then returns to my default configuration, which is no hints at all. However, I am catching sight of the full translation and it’s giving me too much help.

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This issue exists since at least 2023, so I thought I’d give it a little nudge too.

The problem seems to be that those two calendars are created in a ‘load’ event handler, but load event does not fire at all when switching between different tabs of the profile page (/user/profile and /user/profile/stats). You can see in the network tab that there is no XHR call for data at /user/review_heatmap
It does fire when refreshing the stats page, so the calendars appear then.

Relevant code starts at /user/profile/stats:495


  <script type="text/javascript">
    window.addEventListener('load', () => {

      var cal = new CalHeatMap();

        data: "",

Frontend is not my specialty, so apologies if I’m barking up a wrong tree @veritas_nz


Hi, I have noticed a bug: when I click on the deck from the interface, for example, “Grammar JLPT N2,” it opens the deck 4 times:


For mods: I’m also having the above issue. I honestly thought it was just my Internet stuttering really bad. It happens like everyday for me but I’m not sure if it does it consistently each time or randomly. I stopped paying attention to it and auto pilot close the extra tabs


On iOS app learn queue total include already completed decks in queue.


anyone else have a 327% deck completion? no? just me then :nerd_face:

the decks cannot contain my knowledge

Screenshot 2025-02-08 174259

for real though, I think its just struggling from adding an entire book chapter of vocab to reviews at once. my bad


Some pretty funky numbers all round at the moment, as I’ve previously reported some percentages over 100% for deck completion (but can’t see that deck with over 300% completion at all).

I’ve also had negative numbers appearing in the wrap-up: