Feedback - Bug Reports

Hello, this sentence has the audio for a different sentence attached to it.

I’m not sure how to link directly to the sentence but here’s the link to the grammar point.

Already seems to be working again!

Weird… Not seeing anything in the logs!

Not sure if it’s really a bug, but currently on grammar pages, I’m getting the “sidebar” appearing as a very slightly reduced version with a scrollbar.

It’s to leave room for the Back to Top bottom and then some.


Thanks for the good catch.
Fix will be reflected on the site within 30 mins.

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I’ve had two sentences with wrong audio in today’s review session.

The sound is mixed up in these pairs of sentences:


Thank you for finding these!
Can you please link the Grammar Points?
Will get them fixed 🙇‍♂️

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These two:

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Added these two to our list!
Thanks so much!

I’ve just completed the N2 deck but I did not receive the N2 badge :thinking:


Same for N4. I don’t think the badges split for vocab or grammar are working

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On this grammar point page (たら最後 (日本語能力試験 N1) | Bunpro), the English version has no example sentences in the Caution section—only the Japanese version does. This too (れる・られる + ままに (日本語能力試験 N1) | Bunpro) Sorry for causing trouble, but once I noticed this, I can’t ignore it. Most of the N1 grammar points are like that. Is this intended?



Seems the Vacation Mode function is not working again, I’m unable to exit. Can you help please?

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Good find!
Not sure why this is happening, but it fixes itself (permanently it seems) if you refresh the page.
Will have to add it to my list of stuff to look into 🙇‍♂️

Just fixed it on your account!
I think it was because you have so many Reviews, it was taking a lot of time on your account.
Have a great day!

Same, in around 20 reviews I had 2 questions with mixed-up audio files. I’ve sent seperate feedback reports for each one

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If you report them we’ll fix them as we come across them!

This only happened in the Japanese interface. Yes, it fixes itself only if I change to the English or Spanish interface.

Hello, regarding the undo option I’m not sure if this is a bug or just inconsistency among browsers but… On my phone I’m using Chrome to do reviews, and after submitting a wrong answer when I hit backspace it erases only the character before the caret (which is good/ok), but on my desktop I’m using Firefox, and doing the same thing erases the whole input… Which is bad, specially when I missed a single character in a long ass answer lol.


Upon finishing a cram that I started on my phone and continued on pc, I found that the number corresponding to ‘good/okay/hard’ is not matching with my cram list. I crammed 154 grammar points.

Btw the ‘okay’ section was available on phone but not on the computer where only ‘good/hard’ was available

any question please let me know

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My Vocab appears to be bugged. I’m showing that お茶 and お願いします should be be my new vocab to learn but after seeing it in the to learn screen it doesn’t show up in the Practice screen. It seems like this happens every day and sometimes I can get it to recognize as “learned” for the day by manually adding it to my reviews.

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Hi, sorry if it was already reported but I have a bug which slide the window sometimes when doing reviews on my phone. It’s annoying since I have to scroll down after each answer. It is not always the case but when it is, it is until the session is done.
I’m on Android and this appeared both on Firefox and Chrome.

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