Feedback - Bug Reports

Thank you so much for taking the time to fix that personally !!!
Have a great day : )

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Suddenly, the part of the Decks page with the deck tiles has gone grey when in dark mode.

The page also suggests you’re not logged in (despite definitely being logged in!)
So you can’t see the decks you’ve made or your deck progress, etc.
It means I’m currently unable to edit my “Japanese Festivals and Holidays” deck and my beloved rabbit deck! :rabbit:

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Reordering decks is a pain in the webapp.
Maybe because I’m using a bigger font size than default.

Can you log in? Does that fix it?

I’m guessing this one might just be the annoying ongoing random-logout issue that has been around for a long time.
It happens because you basically have two different sessions being maintained between the new pages of the site and the old pages, and they can expire at different times :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:

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Yep, I seem to solve all of those kinds of issues by repeatedly logging in!

Incidentally, a load of decks don’t appear when logged out, which is what originally led me to think decks were either being reorganised or had been deleted - perhaps that is intended though :laughing:

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It’s probably because Community Decks is still in Beta!
Once it’s out, we’ll make sure the whole world knows about them 8)

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Ah gotcha, I see they’re all community ones that disappear when logged out :+1:

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Hi, thanks for letting us know. I have assigned that badge to you

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Minor bug on the android app: grammar point る-verb (Past) → Resources → Online. The checkbox for “Past Tense Tae Kim” does not seem to work, the other checkboxes to.

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I have enabled vacation mode. When I try to disable it in the settings I get an estimate of around 5 minutes to calculate reviews. However, the page requires far longer, seemingly hours. Also, the page doesn’t give updates on progress. I have tried to disable on two different dates, but gave up.

Today, I refreshed the page a few times, despite the warning, and then I got an update on progress, i.e. 10% done, but then it appeared to stall again.

Update: I tried the process again, and let it run for 11 hours, but it didn’t resolve. At present, effectively, I can’t disable vacation mode. I hope you are able to help with this.

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Regarding self study sentences
Not sure if this is a bug or my wrong doing.

I tried adding user sentences for words not covered in jlpt decks, however I have set my vocab revues as “read mode” but these sentences still appear in my review round as fill-in type regardless.

I haven’t found a way to set them to read mode. Is it due to lack of audio?
I’d still like to be able to use read mode without any audio.

[EDIT] update on the issue with another related problem.
I just have been tested on one of those self study words (non-JLPT). This time it was in read mode, but the question was just the isolated word without any sentence despite having added 3 sentences for it.
I think that should be avoided if a sentence is present.

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I think the setting to change the answer type is bugged. It’s not saving changes for me either when I try to change some of mine to fill-in :thinking:

I’m on the iOS app btw.

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Hi !
This one popped up twice today :
" 娘はまだ歩くのがやっとです。"

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Audio players can simultaneously play 2 audio tracks on top of each other under specific circumstances:

  • on review page, expand info and scroll down to example sentences
  • play audio for any example sentence
    – so far so good, only 1 audio player is active
  • select any audio version in the “preferred gender” dropdown
    – now the bug happens: both player for example sentences and player for reviews start at the same time
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Looking into these!

Does it happen for vocab or grammar? If it’s vocab, could you provide which?
I think I am onto something.

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I just have been tested on one of those self study words (non-JLPT). This time it was in read mode, but the question was just the isolated word without any sentence despite having added 3 sentences for it.
I think that should be avoided if a sentence is present.

Yeah I found that really confusing as well. The word will come up in two different review styles for me. One with sentences as fill in, and also just a random word in kanji with no question or context, and no answer unless I’ve added a hiragana answer in via alternative answers.


Just seems to be happening with vocab I think. One example for me is かいけつさく (解決策). It has lots of default sentences but I can’t seem to do much with it and it just shows as a random word to translate. I’ll try and find some words stuck on fill-in (I forgot to write them down).

And tagging @Alerean just in case

I tried adding user sentences for words not covered in jlpt decks, however I have set my vocab revues as “read mode” but these sentences still appear in my review round as fill-in type regardless.

Reading Mode isnt currently supported for Self-Study sentences, hence why it isn’t working as expected. Adding support is on our to-do list

I just have been tested on one of those self study words (non-JLPT). This time it was in read mode, but the question was just the isolated word without any sentence despite having added 3 sentences for it.
I think that should be avoided if a sentence is present.

Some sentences just aren’t set up for the Quizzing system just yet. They are “read only” (will appear on the Vocab page, but not in quizzes).
I’m assuming this is the case with the Vocab you’re mentioning. What Vocab was it?

EDIT: @Alerean Just saw your comment about 「解決策」。These sentences aren’t set up for the Quiz system just yet

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Looks like that is a Ghost?

Screenshot 2025-02-14 at 12.56.28

Gonna chalk it up to that!

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Ah, I see. That makes sense then.

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Damn fine sleuthing.
Will be fixed on next update!

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