Feedback - Bug Reports

Thanks for the feedback, and sorry for the super late response! We’re trying to get to all of our feedback as soon as possible.

I’ve manually exited the Vacation Mode on your account. I’ll get someone to take a look into why this may have happened.

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this was the same non-JLPT self-study entry word so sentences I added myself.
The word was 夜遊び
I only added this one for testing but I suspect any self study sentences should act the same then.

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Thank you. I appreciate it.

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Just in case I wasn’t clear enough, it popped up twice in the same session.
Could it be because I get all my reviews a 3am?
Anyway, it’s not really annoying. I was just surprised since it had never happened before.

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I dunno if I’m posting this on the right place but:

When you get a 100% in a Review, the Spanish version shows a message saying “¡Arrazaste!”.

That Z a typo. It should read “¡Arrasaste!” with an S.


I think I have identified the cause, at the moment it is only possible to review some vocab only in reveal and grade until more examples are added and this is the case.
The app should on default make it impossible to select those options.


Appreciate you looking into it and clarifying. I don’t mind now that I understand what’s happening. I thought I was just going a tad crazy hah! I suppose these things will be added in due time. You’d have a crazy amount of things to work on right now with the app release :scream:

Edit: Whatever you did recently is awesome. That word just came up but this time with a reveal and grade, which is nice and makes more sense for the pure kanji reviews :ok_hand:

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Ghosts Reviews and regular Reviews with the same question can show up in the same session, I don’t think there is any logic to stop them from doing this (probably could add something).

The regular Review should have a different question next session though.
If you keep getting two of the 娘 ones, then that is a bug!

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Thank you for releasing the app, I’ve been using it for a couple of days and like it so far. The one thing I noticed is I’m not getting my notifications. The review number only shows on the app once I open it. I have checked my settings and the option for live notifications is on, however I did notice that I had to select this option for the app on my phone and for the app on my iPad, so they don’t seem to be linked, it’s same for review limit.

Is anyone else having issues with notifications?

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Android app doing funky business with vocab decks. Weird spacing and empty units in list view. Also during reviews it isn’t able to consistently show me “info”. Just takes me to report a bug screen

more pics of the same. Seems worst with bunpro vocab decks. Grammars fine


I have a grammar point I’ve set to reading mode, but it’s still coming up as fill-in on reviews. It’s a ghost that was present before the change though so maybe that’s why?

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I am looking into this!
Could you try opening the settins, searching for the “reset data” and there tap on “Vocab Data Tile”?
Wait a bit (around 30seconds) until the indicator stops spinning.
Did this fix the issue?
Which vocab decks were originally affected?

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Reset the data about 6 hours ago came back to a still spinning circle. It then showed an inaccurate review count with no vocab pending. Decks showed 0% progress, BUT their lists were displaying perfectly ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ went to look back at data reset page got this

Reset again, logged out and in, refreshed the web Bunpro page to maybe sync it up with the app. Fixed my pending reviews and deck counts. But the lists are back to empty/large spacing in-between seemingly random words. All vocab decks were affected, not grammar at all


A bit surprised to see this on the forum at the moment:

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Minor problem. The icons on the top right are cut off when using the browser on mobile. I have 90+ more reviews to go, but you can barely see that I have 9… reviews.

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Minor formatting bug with iOS. The back/return button is too high and overlaps the time when opening the search filter menu.


I’m not sure what changed, but I think the CSS/scale-styling was recently updated. It’s subtle but definitely better now (hard to describe)! Figured I should drop a thank you! :pray:

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I’ve noticed something strange with my bunny deck.
There are 52 vocab items, I’ve added all of the ones that appear in the deck to my reviews, but my progress shows as:


Proof I’ve added all visible cards to my reviews:

After some further digging, I’ve found that the missing card is this one:

アンゴラうさぎ (Angora rabbit)

Weirdly, this card doesn’t appear in the normal units of the deck, but it does actually show up if I perform a search on the deck for it :thinking:

Time to get out the rabbit-hunting net :scream:

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The stories are not in order for reading atleast for n5 it goes from 温泉にいく to 神社ではたらく on iOS app

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On Android, in the grammar content section, the collapsed categories (N5, N4, …) uncollapse by themselves when scrolling through the section

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