Feedback - Bug Reports


Hey! :grin:

You are absolutely right, and it has been fixed!

Thanks for informing us and sorry for the inconvenience! :bowing_man:

I found an error in your API docs for the error response:

        "message": "User does not exist." 

is not valid JSON, there is no key for the list element.
It seems that in this case, the API is actually returning:

    "errors": [
            "message": "User does not exist."

The docs should be updated to reflect this.



I noticed the English sentence doesn’t include the fact about her “driving”. Even though it’s obvious you experience red lights when driving, maybe it will confuse newer users. Just me being picky haha

Thank you!


Hey :blush:

Thank you for informing us!
It has been fixed!

Sorry for the inconvenience! :bowing_man:


After attempting to buy monthly subscription I’ve got a strange bug that added a month to the SRS timer of all of the upcoming cards. Moreover, it looks like I am able to access all of the site’s functions without reverting to Lite despite not being charged a single dollar while exceeding the trial period.

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@Beato Thank you for your interest in subscribing and for reporting this bug! We are looking into and hope to have you all sorted out soon. Thank you for your patience. Cheers!


No idea what might have caused that but I will look into it! In the meantime I adjusted all of your reviews back to where they should be. Sorry about that!

Even after you subscribe, if you still have time left on your free trial, you don’t get charged until after that time expires.


Is it just me, or are these two grammar points duplicates? Also, the one in N3 has only three example/test sentences.

P.S. It was the next in line for me to learn/add to reviews, but now that I’ve noticed this, I’ve skipped it in case it gets merged or deleted. I’m such a minmaxer :sweat_smile:

@Nenad We have a few duplicates on the site that we have yet to find an effective way of merging/removing. Since we did not realize our mistake until after people had already added reviews and taken notes on both items, we cannot simply delete one or the other or merge both together. Implementing a solution that will not only maintain user-generated content and review data, but one that is also seamless to everyone, is up there on our to-do list. Cheers!

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That’s good to hear :+1:
Got a list of the duplicates in the meantime, maybe?

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@Pushindawood Or maybe it might be possible to disable the duplicates (gray them out or something) for people who haven’t started them?


て-form for ない should be なくて. I didn’t know if it was the same form as ないでください as there’s no hint about ない on the grammar points.
Should this be on a different grammar point like ないでください and てください ?

Actually I decided to do the duplicate grammar points 'cause I wanna see that sweet sweet 100% when I finish all N3 GPs. And extra practice never hurt anyone, right?


@MissDagger Disabling/Graying out the duplicates for those that haven’t studied them is a pretty good idea! We will see what can do. Thank you for your suggestion. Cheers!

@jamie Thank you for your report! I have updated the structure to display the appropriate information. Cheers!


Furigana can’t be toggled anymore on mobile browser (Android, Yandex browser). On tap it just shows the furigana for a millisecond and then hides it again.


All fixed!


The audio players in Safari v12.1.1 (macOS 10.14.5) rarely work. They load, when I press play, they look like they’re doing something, but no audio plays. For example, I’m on the study example screen here:[715%2C15%2C4%2C41%2C23%2C13] and pressing play, I don’t hear anything. And yes, my system audio is up. Other places (eg wanikani vocabularies audio) play just fine.


@Max1616 Thank you for letting us know. We are looking into what might be causing the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we get this sorted out. Cheers.


It’s unfair to assume I know the context. To me this says in English “meaning?” The grammar point is ambiguous unless there is a hint signifying what grammar point I am supposed to use.

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