Feedback - Bug Reports

Have you check your time zone? Those kinds of weird behaviour is often link to that.

They could make it so it automatically adjust the time zone for you, but since every second person here is pirating content restricted to be view only in Japan on Netflix by using VPNs, they decided to make it into option instead so people will not loose their streaks.

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We have fixed it :+1:

When I go to my profile page today instead of the timeline of review activity I’m getting this error message instead:

Error Loading Chart: Chart.js - Moment.js could not be found! You must include it before Chart.js to use the time scale. Download at

Anyone else seen this? It wasn’t there yesterday so far as I remember.


Audio says ぐらいに

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I pressed the bunpro dashboard button while the page was loading in, and got treated to this amazing sight.
Get ready for

JLPT N5… 2!


They say studying language is iterative process so it makes sense xD

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Could it be that there is a maximum number of ‘Your Feedback’ messages you can see? I sometimes get a ‘New!’ there, but I don’t see any new messages when I click on it. I heart every message I’ve read to keep track, so am I pretty sure there truly are no new messages for me to see.

Right now this is how my review counter looks. Will not touch it for a couple of hours to hopefully ease your debugging. And I am pretty sure I have added only 3 new grammar topics, not 5…


I think that happens when more reviews are added while you are doing reviews. The review counter doesn’t update, but the amount of reviews does.


this happened when I was adding new grammar, I was not in review session. Most likely what happened: I had 0 at my review counter. Went to 3 grammar topics and clicked add to reviews, however possibly due to the site being a bit slow I could have double clicked on the add button and ended up with current situation. Thus -2 reviews and +5 new grammars instead of 0 and +3 expected…
For the case that you described I did have negative reviews but it was also inside the review session and once it is over I would see correct amount reviews left in my dashboard.


Just a tiny little thing since the update happened…
When you go onto your badge screen and hover over a badge in the top row, as shown in my screenshot below on my level 80 badge, it shows what that badge is for.

But when I hover over any other badges, it doesn’t show what it means, as shown below on my exorcist IV:

I only realised today because I forgot what exorcist IV was for. I’m not great on computers so I don’t know if this is something to do with my work PC or something your end.

Just thought I’d let you know. Cheers!


There appears to be a small bug on your subscription page:

For some reason the subscription page still thinks my subscription is running out, even though it is now the 27. of january and I have payed for a one year Subscription.

Did you pay on PayPal? If so, hang fire for a day or two because they have to do it manually on their end.
Although if your subscription is still live despite it saying it’s run out, then yes this is a bug.

Thanks for pointing that out I will get it fixed.

@iariar @Pep95 Thanks for the insight. I will take a look.

@consti It looks like you cancelled your subscription during the trial period before you were charged so it never upgraded.

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@Jake Ok, that is strange, because I can’t remember doing so. I just put in my credit card and that’s it. All premium features also appear to be still active and I can’t subscribe again since the button states that the yearly subscription is my current one.

How can we fix it?

@Jake Now the subscription page crashes and wont even open anymore:

Audio say 日本語教師 without の

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Just following up with this issue to say that the charts are exactly 24 hours behind, which confirms this is not a time zone issue.

I completed a review at 11:58 PM on 1/30 and it appeared for 1/29.
Did the next review at 12:01 AM on 1/31 and it appeared for 1/30.

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The audio seems to say 老人 :『ろうにん』and it is written 『ろうじん』.

Furigana should be だ, audio is correct though