@John_Doe We are currently in the process of setting up a new feature called “Paths”. Paths will give everyone the opportunity to study with the textbook of their choice. Starting with Genki, you will be able to use Bunpro alongside your textbook to review what you are learning, chapter by chapter, grammar point by grammar point.
While compiling grammar for this new feature, we came across some grammar points that we believe deserved a spot on Bunpro. “Future grammar” points are not only grammar points that we would like to add in the near future, but those that appear in a variety of textbooks. These grammar points are what the numbers represent next to your progress bars. You will also see these grammar points appear in search and on the Lessons page acting as placeholders so that you can see where they may fall in a JLPT level or other textbook so that you can more quickly compare and contrast multiple resources all in one place.
We are not sure if all of the grammar points listed as “future grammar” will make the final cut, but we wanted to at least give everyone the ability to reference their textbook and search for resources right on Bunpro as quickly as possible. We apologize for the confusion! Cheers!