@foodsam Welcome to the community! As @matt_in_mito mentioned, kanji answers are something that we would like to implement in the future. We currently have a framework set up for kanji answers, but it is not as simple as just changing the current answers to accept their kanji equivalents. There are a number of alternative answers and answers that throw hints/warnings rather than marking you incorrect that also need to be accounted for. Once we feel that these alternative answers have been fleshed out and we have filled in missing grammar points, we will be able to focus on other features like kanji answers. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Cheers!
@Kuromaku Thank you for your suggestion. We hope to have something for you before too long. Cheers!
@Anthropos888 We hear you loud and clear. However, since we are very close to finishing up the remaining Tobira grammar points, this feature might have to wait until we add new grammar later down the road. We apologize for not having this feature readily available to you and appreciate your understanding. Cheers!
@LucPitipuis Welcome to the community! Have you tried the Cram feature? Cram draws from every available study question in our database to cover a variety of situations and nuances. ︎While using Cram does not affect your normal review SRS, you may start to associate sentences with specific answers, which may affect your ability to legitimately recall a grammar point. Use with caution. Cheers!