Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

@loladae Hey! Are you studying for the JLPT? Bunpro’s Lessons page has all of it’s grammar points organized by JLPT level. By “automatic audio,” do you mean “autoplay?” If so, this is already an option in Settings. Just turn Audio Autoplay to “on.” Cheers!


If you click on the Grammar dropdown in the navbar and click All Grammar, you will be directed to a page that displays all grammar with a search option. We would like to set up a search option that resides within the navbar itself in the near future.

Bunpro’s review questions change as you progress and are written in a way that build upon previously studied grammar, presenting you with a new and unique context in every study session. This means that, as you advance through your studies, you get more and more exposure to the grammar that you have learned.

This is up there on our to-do list. Stay tuned!

While this would be an awesome feature to have, the sheer amount of variables that would need to be accounted for, even for simple sentences, would make implementing a feature like this very difficult. We already have grammar points that require that we “catch” five or more other grammar points because they are either interchangeable or could work in a given context. Having to account for multiple particles, verbs, adjectives, not to mention different interpretations of the English translation, would be a tremendous undertaking and would take quite some time to make a reality. Cheers!


Check out the message board on BP (see below). WK Japanese only boards are also really good too. Or you can find a native partner or tutor…I believe this is best as this is real world application (not srs practice toward application). Plus it’s far more fun and fulling to use your own creative thoughts.


Aww thanks for quoting me there. I’m touched :joy:


Hmmm, not sure how I did that. Thought I copied the general link.

It’s a lovely message posting though and wonderful example of how everyone helps each other out by :grin::upside_down_face: exemplified by sir @matt_in_mito


I think this grammar point from “A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar” would be a good one to add.


@Johnathan-Weir It’s on the to-do list. Stay tuned!


Haha nice save :joy:

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I don’t know if this has been discussed before, but I would like to request that polite and casual forms of verbs get their own lessons. Benefits:

  1. Less information overload
  2. You get more reviews of both (since it’s now one lesson, the review pool is shared)
  3. At least for Genki it will more closely follow the book since it splits those as well (as does Japanese from Zero and I suspect other books as well)

This link would be good for the ころ and とき grammar points to explain the differences between them:


Thanks for the suggestion. That would be ideal, also pretty tough to implement at this stage. I like to think we have a decent balance of polite and casual for the N5 grammar points’ review sentences. If we can come up with a good way to do it (that doesn’t involve adding a bunch more grammar points to N5), we could consider it!


Grammar point for V-ないです and contrast it with V-ません


I know there’s only one batch of lessons so far for N1, but it would still be nice to have the ability to Cram them.

(Doesn’t have to be right away, just thinking about the near future when I’ll want to use this. :wink:)

Also you might want to change the wording on the statistics page to say “April 24th, 2018” to prevent confusion.


I was thinking we might as well just delete that line altogether; it stands out an awful lot to clarify such an insignificant thing (at this point in time) :man_shrugging:


This video starting at 27:48 should be added to the んだけど・んですが grammar point.

Also some sentences fitting the “introductory information んだけど important information” form used in the video.


This link should be added to そんなに
to help explain the difference between it and そんな.


Misa’s videos on passive and causitive forms should be added to the Passive Verb and Causitive Verb grammar points:

This link was very helpful in understanding the difference between ている and ているところ


So I just came back after a bit of a break and had to face a rather large pile of material. I forgot most of the lower SRS Level grammar points but still remember many of the higher ones.
I don’t want to bulk reset but just let the SRS work its magic.

What botheres me while working through my review pile is that I can’t order by SRS levels.
At first I would have liked to tackle all the higher srs level material to get it out of the way.
After that, because it’s too much for me to work through in a single day, I would have liked to face the lower SRS material first.
This is so I can keep repeating the material Ive failed before, slowly dwindling away at it, instead of getting every item in the queue I forgot wrong and having to face a large pile of material/ghosts.

The simple solution would be a “Order Reviews by descending/ascending SRS level” option, the fancy one a “Get back into bunpro”-feature that limits the amounts of “new” old items you can review in a given day.

(If this already exists as a setting/script, please point me towards it. Didnt spend too much time looking! :see_no_evil: )


I think the じゃないか grammar point needs to be re-done. It’s missing a lot of information about male vs female vs neutral speech patterns, じゃない vs じゃん vs んじゃない, and notes on intonation which is super important for this grammar point.


I’ve added like 10+ sentences now so uh…I’d still like this feature. ^



I would like to be able to enter in kanji. computer always defaults when speaking. ( I use Lipsurf on the computer.)

This site is awesome by the way.

Thank you,
