Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

A tool that shows you how much time you’ve spent cumulatively on BunPro


Do you have the Path marked as your primary path via the star icon in the upper right?
Like @I-k-d mentioned, the deck is also available and in the near term future, we are planning on doing away with Paths in favor of the decks. There are a few small things we need to improve with Decks to smooth the change over though.


I have a little suggestion.
Perhaps make a feature to mark/flag certain grammar points different colours such as red, green etc so that you can make your own mini grouping of certain grammar points of same colour. It would be made so that when you click on the ‘grammar’ button you will be able to see all the grammar points and the colours that you assigned to them or something. Not sure if I’ve explained it well enough aha.


jlpt progress on profile doesnt have black bars as seperators (kinda hard to see because i havent added vocab in a while) like it does on the dashboard. Also when you finished a grammar pathway (n5, n4, etc), and you have no new points to add from it, the button is gray and unclickable on the dashboard but from any other page it is colorful and clickable. Idk if this is intentional but i thought i would mention it.

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Being able to rebind the reviews hotkeys would be great


I have decent kanji knowledge so I normally disable all furigana and click/tap on words if I want to check their readings. Unfortunately I find that pretty difficult to do with the app on my mobile phone, especially for single kanji words. I find myself mashing my finger on the kanji/word again and again until it registers.

I would prefer if either the hitbox was a bit bigger on mobile (probably technically tricky to do, I think) or if there was just a dedicated button to toggle all furigana on, maybe similar to the current “Hints” button. This way if I encounter an unknown kanji or want to double check something I can just switch furigana on temporarily instead of haplessly assaulting my screen.

On desktop this isn’t an issue because obviously the mouse is much more precise.


A Show/Hide furigana hotkey is something we’ve discussed in the past :+1:
This has brought it to mind again


Why can I not reset progress on a review point in review?
Why do I have to open it up in a new tab!
This is a ghost review that I just actually don’t even remember ever seeing before ever and wanted to reset.

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I was wondering if there was any idea to reorder the example sentences for grammar points.
I use them for listening practice, and sometimes the hardest audio is within the first few examples, and then the easiest ones end up being right at the end.

Feature request: emphasize Japanese hints over English by changing font sizes OR add option to choose font sizes for different hints


Increase the font size of the Japanese hint.
Decrease the font size of English hint

Example of the proposed change

With English hints so big, I “automatically” read them first if reading them requires no effort.
(And I don’t feel like turning them off completely)


Will there be an みんなの日本語 I vocab deck?
I would love to see the same treatment as to genki books. This will aid my studies.

I have read that grammar path are becoming obsolete in the near future.



Sorry to bother you again with this suggestion. Is this something interesting for others or is it just me being pernickety? :sweat:




In general, I find the font size for Japanese hints way too small. I just recently did a routine health checkup for work and, without getting into details, it turns out I have near perfect eyesight (so far so good, at least :smiley: ).
Despite this, when I attempt to read the JP hints off of my phone, especially on the train, I just squint weirdly at the screen because the characters are simply this tiny. I appreciate the training, but I’d rather save the read 1-pixel kanji challenge for when I’m actually proficient.

Let’s also take a look at the cram section:

It’s not much different during normal reviews. Just an option to change the size would be cool. Some folks can write a userscript for details like these, but I think that’s beside the point (and yeah, vanilla JS scripting, let’s go!).

Another QoL thingie is mobile-specific.

When you try to select the Japanese sentence during the lessons, or the Japanese hint during reviews with a long press, it’s annoying, if not straight up impossible to select a full sentence if it starts with a kanji. I have furigana configured to show up on tap, so when I try to select a sentence, I cannot select it from the very beginning, as it just displays furigana. The rest of the sentence gets selected.

That’s a real pain sometimes. Here I would hope that you could detect the long press and don’t show the furigana, but instead let the user actually select the sentence.

All right, that’s about it for now. I think these would be really nice QoL improvements so fingers crossed someone reads this :slight_smile: .

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Just thought it could be nice to have furigana available for “お疲れ様です!” at the end of review sessions for those who aren’t already familiar with it, but no biggie :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve been using bunpro for almost a month now and I’m totally loving it!

The one thing I’d like to see added is custom hints for different grammar points.
The reason is, the English explanations are often quite heavy to understand for a non-native speaker. Also there are so many grammar points that sound very similar to me in English, but for which there is a perfectly matching expression in my native language.


I’d like to suggest placing example sentences in some kind of order of expected difficulty (I know this is subjective, but more-or-less will do).
A crude but good enough way to do this from my point of view is to just put them in order of length.
There is then an extra incentive to go through all of the example sentences: you go from zero to hero with the grammar point, culminating with tackling the most complicated / longest example sentence.

Case in point, I was totally stumped by the first (very long) example sentence for this grammar point, but found many of the later ones much more manageable:


This may have been suggested before, but how about being able to filter grammar points by certain criteria? Such as conjugation grammar points etc


I planned on complaining about the confusing Structure Legend but apparently it has been revamped since I last checked it out. Nice! :slight_smile:

Here is Feedback on something else: There are rules about when a ru-verb is an u-verb in disguise. E.g. I have learned somewhere that ~aru, ~uru, ~oru are always u verbs (except for special verbs like suru & kuru). Knowing this helps me a lot to figure out which Te form (and ta and masu form) to use, which is kind of my weakness ^^.
Side-note: I want to say though that I AM okay with failing otherwise unrelated grammar points for using the wrong Te form. It’s too important to let it slide, I believe.

Maybe there could be a grammar point on masu in which the ru-u-situation could be in one of those blue hint-boxes. I’m not sure though.

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Welcome to the community :tada::tada:
To help with your (for now) weakness, check out these links from @Jose7822 :sparkles:

Helpful post and vids on conjugations and “る” verbs

More info with exceptions pic


I’m finding the SRS reviews to be incredibly frustrating. There are so many synonyms and so many correct answers for the same sentence, but Bunpro is looking for something specific. While I like the hint system that Bunpro has implemented, I find it too vague and the hints are inconstant with particular grammar points. I’d like a feature to insert user created hints for each grammar point. That way I can just have a hint that says the grammar point is “ったら” or “~ば”. And I can focus on conjugating which is what I feel like Bunpro is for.

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