Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

There is an option to batch your reviews inside of the Quiz Settings. I know that isn’t 100% of the suggestion you made, part of it does exist. :+1: We can add the continue batch options etc to our backlog to explore what they might look like.



Make your own path.

It would be good if you were able to make your own personal Path if you are using a book that are not very popular or if you are reading any book

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It would be really great if the iOS app would auto-switch to a Japanese keyboard if available. I make so many mistakes with the tiny QWERTY keys. For Kana input, the flick-style Kana IME is much more convenient. Thanks!

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Hey that’s already in the works :tada: user made decks are a planned feature. You’ll be able to create a deck with grammar points of your choosing to follow your personal study path


Oh sweet!!
Will we also be able to ad vocabulary as well into our personal deck?


I wish lessons covering a grammar point usually written in hiragana were not written in Kanji in the title/reviews with the common hiragana usage mentioned in the lesson, but the other way around (kanji just mentioned in the lesson)

I find it is confusing and counterproductive, as they come across the reviews also I end up learning the kanji form and use it, while I actually should get used to not using the Kanji.

came across these recently :
ながらも written 乍も, (this one confused my Japanese partner)
につき written に就き (for this one if not written in kana, even mentions に付き as more common, could be wrong though I am not the one to tell)


It would be cool if there was a way of incorporating Tadoku books into the app’s reading section as a feature. I like the reading area that’s already in the app but prefer reading on Tadoku since it feels like I’m reading actual books and figured having the books listed on the app would make it super convenient to go straight from doing grammar to reading. Just a thought! ^^

Edit: Maybe have it where it’s similar to Tadoku’s website by listing each of the books with the book cover, title and level and when you tap it, it takes you directly to a pdf where you can swipe the pages left/right. Maybe have an area where you can save the book to read later.

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Feature request: recently mastered items.

To me this is helpful as it can be motivational tangible progress.

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This is pretty silly so please feel at complete liberty to ignore this, but my inner language nerd is getting the better of me.

After completing the learning queue I ama greeted with this nice message:

You learnt X items!

However, in my pedantic estimation, the following is a much better sounding and potentially more grammatically correct variant

You’ve learnt X items

Why? Well, the simple past technically needs a fixed time period associated with it:

3 days ago you learnt X items

Note that formulation is absolutely wrong in the present perfect

3 days ago you’ve learnt X items

Given that the state of “having learned” (the fact I have to use “having” here might be another good indicator) takes place at an unspecified time, the present perfect is in my estimation the more correct structure since we’re describing the result of an action undertaken an unspecified amount of time ago and emphasizing the result.

Is this really a problem? No
Will my inner ear be very pleased if it’s changed? Yes
Does that matter to ya’ll? Meh up to you

Ok language nerding and grammar gestapo-ing over, if you read this, thanks for humoring me and I hope I didn’t add too much noise :sweat_smile:

If someone does change it, you Sir/Ma’m are a true scholar and a gentleman/lady and I tip my hat and toast to your health!

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Yea, Grammar and Vocab!


I wish you the utmost English reading pleasure :innocent:


Maybe I missed it, but could we have a way to disable audio in reviews altogether? It’s not a feature I use, but since I’ve updated the app, reviews are much slower to confirm.

You’re the best!



I was thinking about this too just a few days ago xD


For the love of God, please buffer the audio file in advance.

I type in an answer to a card, and then have to wait (in auto play mode) while the audio loads. Meanwhile I wonder, “I just spent half a minute answering this flashcard, why wasnt the audio already downloading in that time?”

Seems like such a ridiculously simple solution from your end… just buffer the damn flashcard audio as soon as it loads! Dont wait until i answer the card.
App and browser both lack this.

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I’ve noticed that some of the imabi links I’ve clicked on doesn’t show a grammar page and only a message saying they can’t find the page. Is there any plans to change the urls?

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The gesture control has been added to the mobile app.


Updating the app to the latest version should fix the issue.


I added audio buffering to the website a few weeks ago :thinking:
Should be working.

Are you mainly doing Grammar reviews or Vocab? The TTS generated audio has a lot less of ‘leading time’ between playing the audio and when the actual voice can be heard.
If you notice the vocab audio plays instantly, then it might just be our audio files.

Example code of the audio prefetch
<link rel="prefetch" href="冷たいシャワーを浴びる。-female.mp3" as="audio" id="audio-prefetch" type="audio/mpeg">

I’ll take a look into this!
They were mostly fixed I thought.
How often are you seeing them?

So I have a question and I’m not entirely sure where to ask it but I suppose here works because I tentatively have an improvement suggestion.

I’ve recently started playing around with Bunpro’s vocab decks, particularly N3 and N2, and I am stunned to see how starkly different the content is from other sources.

For example, I’ve been using an N3 anki vocab deck for a year now, mostly just for refresher at this point. While it isn’t perfect, most of the content lines up with Jisho’s N3 words, and I had little trouble on the N3 test with vocabulary or kanji. But Bunpro’s N3 deck is a completely different animal; while roughly the same number of words, Bunpro’s deck has many words labeled for N2 when I look them up in Jisho, while at the same time having very basic words like 火曜日.

I have to ask, where does Bunpro draw its vocabulary from for its decks? It seems a little all over the place.

I suppose my improvement recommendation is, could the vocabulary decks be made more focused on the N-level they are labelled as? Or is it that Jisho’s N-level labels are incorrect and Bunpro is the more correct source?