Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

We’ve fixed some of the obvious ones that were 404ing!
Please let us know if you find any more m(_ _)m

Yeah! maybe a link to some of the stuff in the ‘content’ tab. The name is vauge enough there’s probably tons of users who don’t know/forgot about the stuff in there.

Thank you, they’re not that common fortunately. The latest ones I’ve seen were the links under 〜でも 〜でも (JLPT N4) | Bunpro and 命令形 (JLPT N4) | Bunpro


The problem is you buffer it after I answer the flashcard, instead of before…

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regarding the cram tool

The feature I miss the most on Bunpro altogether is a limit setting on the cram tool, which would allow me to even set the review even several N levels to really be prepared on a large scope of knowledge. That would literally be a game changer as far as I’m concerned, as this is exactly what the JLPT exam demands.

let’s say for example I pick 2 N-levels but get only 30 random questions rather than 300 that I don’t have the time to complete (nor to pick by hand one by one)


Hmmm that shouldn’t be the case…
I’ve just tested with Flashcards and it should be loading as soon as the question changes.
What browser are you on?

On the app the subtext for cram still says “review grammar freely”, even though vocab is now available to cram too :kissing_closed_eyes::tada:


For vocab reviews, I always translate the meaning in my native language because, sometimes in english it could be a bit misleading for me. It helps me to get the good nuance. But during reviews, only the original meanings are displayed and my custom synonyms are hidden in the “alternatives”. I have to manually check the other meanings. There is maybe no need to display all alternatives, but displaying by default user synonym could be usefull I think (just to get exposure to every meaning during reviews). or maybe have an option to allow it ?


Totally agree, we’ll incorporate user synonyms into the default meanings in some capacity going forward so users won’t run into the same problem you’re having now. Thanks!


I didn’t expect such a quick answer, thanks !

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When doing lightning reviews for vocab, like in Wanikani, it should autoplay the audio for the singular vocab word so that people can listen to how the word is pronounced, its pitch accent, etc, without taking much time. :grin:


Feature Request: Would appreciate some sort of progress widget for the android app!

I’m currently almost done with the N5 Grammar + N5 Vocab (the 2 database decks I chose to study together). Concerning the vocab, I’m familiar with most of the words, however I’m less than familiar with 50% of the kanji. So I want to learn/memorize the kanji along with the kana. But I only see the kanji once, during the ‘learn’ phase. I don’t consider knowing the kana (sounds) without knowing the kanji to be “learning vocabulary.” I would like to run through the vocab I’ve ‘learned’ with kanji/kana flashcards. Is there any way to do this? Especially, within the app, and with only the vocab that has been learned? Thank you for your suggestions.

So I know there is the custom note area, but would it be possible to add custom resources to the resource area? I’ve got a few books that aren’t part of the usual resources, and I’d love to group them together with the others listed, instead of in the note section.


I would like a “gloss” function, so I could paste the text of an article into the search bar, and the Bunpro app matches the text with all available vocabulary and grammar, so I can review those specific vocab/grammar points. That way, after study and review, I can almost completely understand one website article (or anime/drama/podcast transcript) at a time.

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Excellent idea!
We have tools internally for something like this, so maybe one day we can implement them into something like you’re suggesting.


a way to undo after submitting an answer and moving onto the next question. i keep making ghosts lol. its like man i guess i will have to deal with that mistake for 4 extra review sessions


This would be nice. Since using gestures I go through patches of speedy correct answers, but when I don’t know one I can accidently mark it as correct because I’d been swiping the same way for so many. Happens reverse too where I’ll be going through the end of everything I missed and a non repeat comes up that I know and I mark it as incorrect too. An undo/previous review question button would be nice


I second that. I can’t even count how many times I did a typo (accidentally, I knew the word) and double-entered convinced it’s correct… Normally, I’d have had 100% accuracy on that word as it’s often the most basic N5 vocab :joy: :upside_down_face:

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Feature suggestion

The other post about furigana made me think. Personally I have mine set to off until I need to hover, this works fine and I don’t mind continuing it this way. BUT what if we’re able to sync the furigana with our vocab decks? Or to be able to set furigana to only show for a selected level and above. Like only show for n3-n1 for example. Or better yet, if it took our SRS progress from decks into account where only mastered vocab were hidden. Itd be nice to personally set furigana to show only for a certain srs level and below. If I had something in high adept or seasoned I wouldn’t want it to still show furigana.

This would be nice for reading mode, but again hover is a nice compromise