Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

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Can you add a setting that lets you choose how many levels to go up after getting it correct?

Perhaps an “SRS Looseness” setting?
Would be somewhat simple to implement :thinking:

You guys should totally add a way to batch select things from the lists so that you can mark multiple things as “mastered” or “add to reviews” at the same time.

A Decks revamp is on the list, that will include these sort of features and much more.
Watch this space!

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Something like that would be great!

Most users will probably be fine with the normal SRS pacing, which is great. But I think an SRS looseness setting combined with the already existing SRS strictness setting would be perfect for people who want to slow down or speed up.

In the meantime, I figured out a way to do it manually by just going through the review list after reviews are done and bumping each one up a level. It’s slow but better than huge review piles.


Separate grammar and vocab furigana?
I don’t want furigana when doing vocab, but it’s a huge help for faster grammar on words I don’t know.

Autoplay audio on anki style vocab would be nice too.

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When we come to redo the settings page, could maybe do a mass-separation of settings for Vocab/Grammar.

You’re not the first person to ask for a separation of a setting by type.

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One think that I think is not available and would maybe be nice is having manually added entries counted towards the daily learning objective if the word is taken from the same deck. For example, I’m studying the N3 vocabulary deck and I sometimes manually add N3 words I’ve just read in a book, but they don’t count towards the daily objective and rather than adding my daily 16 words I end up adding more than that.


I’m sure you guys get this a lot, but I really believe you guys should have a back button that works exactly like Anki’s.


Wanted to give this suggestion a +1.

I’m currently working through the N2 and N1 decks, and there are a lot of words that I am already familiar with, but would like to eventually go back and read through the example sentences anyway. Marking them as “Mastered” would make these words difficult to find in the future, but I also don’t really want them cluttering up my Review queue since I want to focus on words I don’t know.

Also on the topic of “ignoring” it would be nice to potentially ignore specific example sentences. Especially for words with multiple meanings, sometimes I am already familiar with one meaning and would prefer to “ignore” those sentences so I can focus on the ones I feel less confident on. Thanks!


When a question quizzes you on multiple different grammar points, include links to all of them instead of only opening up the info for the one youre specifically reviewing.

And also maybe not reference grammar points from later lessons in earlier ones. It can make it feel really unfair when something gets marked wrong because of something you werent taught.

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Oh, absolutely, it’s distracting to me and also I am tired of seeing all the study log topics too lol

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Just wanna share my appreciation for the new combined search page (on website on phone at least) since I asked for it a while ago :pray:

If you want to improve it even further, some filter options like verbs, combined verbs (like 飛び出す), compound words, and stuff like that could be useful


Any plans to auto reveal vocab furigana on answer reveal for mobile app? Android


Have discussed this internally for Grammar/Vocab when we implemented the new Learn updated, so it’s on our radar.

The sentence one is interesting though.
I can see why you might want to do this.


This was a stop-gap improvement until we do a proper overhaul in the future!

Will add a lot more features when we sit down and do it properly then.

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Just to also comment on the Latest Discussions block, it seems to exclude Grammar Points subforum, which I suppose would be the most useful to include on “related to main bunpro flow vs distracting” criteria. Along with Reading Discussion subforum.

Personally I’d understand that people might want to remove user-generated content/distractions from their SRS app, but also without that block how would one know there’s this Feedback thread and where will we get new shiritori players?

Perhaps it’s an idea to make it configurable which subforums are included in the main site block.
This way one could select no subforums at all, or Grammar Points + Reading Discussion + Bunpro (to see announcements and bug reports), or everything.

Really minor thing but something I do a surprising number of times (imho because a lot of sites do this)

Website: clicking on the dashboard’s bunpro logo should reload the page in order to refresh the number of reviews etc

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I was wondering if it would be possible to have an option to display the Furigana for vocab on top after you have revealed the answer?

Please see the picture below for reference:


Thank you!


You can simply have it on be default and have the toggle to turn it off if it’s distracting. If someone wants to check the forums, there’s a link on the footer page that can be accessed.

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Is it possible to have some general ‘quality of life’ updates? The more I use bunpro, the more I come across grammar points that have a similar meaning but differing nuances. As best as I can remember, those nuances aren’t explained in the grammar points. It’s also not clear why I should be penalized for using a different grammar point that has similar meanings. It seems that when I talk to Japanese people and ask them the difference, they seem to believe the differences aren’t big enough to warrant much discussion. If it’s good enough in a conversation, why does bunpro say I’m wrong? There are also a lot of inconsistencies between decks too. Some cards give plenty of hints that can be helpful from time to time while other cards don’t give any hints at all. There’s a serious lack of consistency here. If i’m asking for too much, then perhaps Bunpro should try marketing more to groups where there is some sort of teach or leader present to help clarify all the confusion this app causes and point out to self-learners, they may be better suited using a different apps? I’m really starting to regret buying this app and have seen I’m not the only person with this problem. Please improve the quality of cards and corrections or give some sort of indication before some one spends their money so they know what they’re getting into.

Buyer’s remorse sucks


Sorry if this has been requested before or if I missed this option but would it be possible to make the cram by SRS level more granular?

I’ve started cramming grammar that I just learned and for this case an option to cram only Beginner 1 would be useful. Same thing with Adept 1 or Ghost 1.

I don’t mind going through the Beginner list to find what I just learned but streamlining it would be nice.


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You should get bounced back instead of instantly failed if it is a genuine possible answer but just not what is being tested. From the question screen there is a report button in the corner. If you fail a review and you believe it is a possible answer that has been missed then I would report it. I have spotted a few over the years.

Most natives are not able to explain or teach the language, nor do most people care enough to give an in depth answer. Very often in cases like this it is possible a native will say something like that either as a kind of white lie or simply because they have failed to realise that there are exceptions/important differences in nuance. A lot of this depends on the level and who you are asking, naturally, and I have no idea of your level or who you are asking so sorry if I am off-base with that one.