Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

We have actually discussed this for the “Translate” (Anki-style – not Cloze deletion) questions before.

Would basically just involve showing a random sentence when displaying the answer for one of the Anki style questions.
This would solve your issue by the sounds of it?

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Yes! That’s exactly what I want.

The little play button you get on the grammar to replay the audio is the other thing, but I assume those are linked anyway.

I guess the other thing I noticed, while we’re on the topic of Translate reviews in Vocab, is that it’d be nice if my personal notes showed up under the answer. I use them when I don’t think the nuance of the definition is clear, so I’d like it if they just showed up on the wrong answer screen so I could see my own notes.

(A common example are words where the する verb form has a more intuitive translation for me than the noun form, so I note that in the “Notes” section. It’d be nice if it just showed up on the card back.

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Piggybacking off of this, I was wondering if it would be possible to add a few different user options for what information gets shown under an answer? I’m currently going through the N1 deck, and even though it’s supposed to be a “temporary” thing, I actually really like that all definitions of a word are shown in brackets in the answer (picture below). Or, it helps refresh my memory about possible other meanings that may not come up as frequently in the example sentences.

I’ve actually found that now when I do Vocab reviews for other decks like N3, I almost always click “show info” after answering so that I can re-read the other definitions as well.

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Yeah I’m currently cramming all of N3/N4 at the moment, and I totally agree.

Discussing this in our slack at the moment.

@TsundereNoises We’re also aware of the want for Notes to show in the Quiz screen pre-show -info too.
Will probs have an overhaul at some point to factor all this in.


I’ve noticed this starting to happen!


This nuances have been added!

For higher up levels (N2+), you’ll still also get the stuff in the curly braces plus the English Nuance hint (the lil text next to the lightbulb).

These will gradually removed phased out as more and more sentences get their translations validated.

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Oh that’s great, this will really help with some of the vocab sentences where the translation hint alone can be tricky

I can’t emphasize enough how good of an idea this is. It essentially solves the problem of how to approach a sentence that has a translation that sounds good in English, but the translation doesn’t really match the actual definition. This had been irritating me for a while, so this adjustment is very welcome! Would suggest rolling this out to all vocab sentences.

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I’m already seeing it on all my N4/N3 vocab

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Hi! One feature I’d like to request is the ability to filter contents in decks. Now it’s possible to sort and search them, but not to filter. It would be nice to be able to show only grammar or only vocab, hide learned entries, etc.

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I believe it should be on all Vocab sentences now, unless I’m mistaken :thinking:

We’re aware of this being a problem in Bunpro.

A solution is to offer “leading hints” (the orange text that helps get you closer to the answer we’re looking for).

As Vocab Cloze questions are relatively new (and vast in quantity), it’ll take a while until we can provide accurate and useful hints for all Vocab sentences.

For example, if the answer is 「お手洗い」 and you input 「トイレ」, it shouldn’t mark you wrong, but instead read something like “Looking for a more polite or formal way to say the same thing”, thus leading you closer to the answer.


Something that, I think, would be really nice for grammar(and vocab, though I haven’t started learning vocab on here yet, I’ve got wanikani and for that for now):

Can you add a button to, after I’ve gotten the review question correct, replay the voice audio that reads the sentence(s)? I understand the voice audio in question is probably listed under the grammar point’s page, but it’d be really nice to just hear the sentences being read again.

Will need to think about how to potentially do that for the ios/android apps, but if you’re on Desktop you should be able to just hit ‘P’ and it will auto-play the review sentence audio. I think that’s what you’re asking for? Feel free to correct if wrong!

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The vocabulary example sentences are all marked with the corresponding JLPT level (N5, N4, etc), and when being tested the ones that correspond to the level you’re studying are the ones that show up. I think it would be nice for the grammar example sentences to have this feature too. I’m studying for N3 and I understand the example vocabulary sentences pretty well. But when it comes to the grammar ones, I find that there are many times the sentences contain N1 and N2 words which make understanding the sentence very difficult.

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Hi there and welcome to the community!

We use an n+1 system to scale the complexity of Grammar sentences.
Are you able to give me an example of a sentence?

Sentences like
After going through it with a dictionary I get it, but when doing it on my phone, looking up words like 魔王, 職場 or 従業員 is a bit of a hassle. It doesn’t happen all the time, but there are quite a few of these kind of difficult sentences popping up now and then when doing grammar reviews. I find the phrases in the vocabulary section much more approachable and though there are some words that come up that I don’t know, they’re usually N3 words. Overall the experience is good, but I do like the vocabulary section phrases better, especially as they are clearly tagged as N3, N2 and N1 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Can you add a setting that lets you choose how many levels to go up after getting it correct?

I think it would be the opposite of the SRS strictness setting?

I want to be able to do less reviews and cover wider ground and having correct answer go up by two levels each time would be great. I understand the perspective of trusting the SRS, but the system already allows for leeway by letting users mark things as mastered or increase their SRS strictness factor. The setting I propose would just give the user slightly more control over their review pacing.

Thanks for any consideration, I appreciate the work you guys do.


Also, while I am here. You guys should totally add a way to batch select things from the lists so that you can mark multiple things as “mastered” or “add to reviews” at the same time. This would be especially useful for vocab decks.

For example, if someone wanted to make sure they knew everything in the N5 vocab deck, but they already know more than half of it when they start. If they wanted to “complete” the deck, they would have to go through one by one and click on each one they already know to mark as mastered. It is really slow.

If you made it so there were little checkboxes off to the side, that person could click on like 50 checkboxes and mark them all as mastered at one time. Batch processing.

Low priority request, just trying to help out your UI.


Somewhat related – We’re currently adding more and more linked words to the sentences, so clicking on them will bring up the meaning.