Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

when learning items can we have this srs stages available to quickly mark to a certain srs?

srs stages and learn screen

we currently have the option to mark as mastered, but I would like to also be able to mark an item to different srs stages. mostly for words introduced in learn that I already know really well, but would still like some review rather than setting it to master and never seeing it pop up. I know you can go into the quiz and info the vocab for the srs settings, but itd be quicker to have the option to set this srs during the learn queue


This will likely be a possibility with any localization efforts we make in the future.

However, I haven’t seen very good coverage with other languages in the JMDict data if I’m being honest.
But yeah, providing when available and falling back to English is another option too.

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update, it was introducing them in deck order just fine yesterday…today they seem to be given in random order during learn queue.

Can you please give me the link you’re using to Learn, and tell me where exactly you’re clicking from?

when learning items can we have this srs stages available to quickly mark to a certain srs?

This is on the to-do list, just quite far down :confused:
Might just have to bump it and freestyle a design for this (if enough people ask for it :wink:) !

Ahhh so it sounds like you don’t like the fact it imports them all at once, and would rather have some sort of slow drip-feed of WK-sourced Reviews, based on some criteria?

That’s a reasonable interpretation. :slight_smile: I mean, whether they’re imported at once (and kept in sync) and presented in a more metered way or they’re imported slowly is an implementation detail I think. But ultimately what I want is:

  • The ability to use bunpro to improve my recall for WK words (because WK doesn’t offer English->Japanese review) and to learn additional/better definitions for WK words (I’ve found the BP definitions very helpful)
  • Not to be overwhelmed by the number of reviews I’ve got. I do about 20 new items in WK daily and that’s way too many to have constantly adding to my pile in BP

“Nice to have features”:

  • Options for how to trickle the WK words into BP. I’m not sure what the best choice is, and if I had the cycles and were working on this problem myself, I’d probably just make a few options like I described in the other post and let users try them out. But anything is better than nothing here since right now I have to disable import entirely
  • Integration between WK imports and BP vocab decks. WK is great for kanji and for technical words but it’s awful for those critical nuance words that are almost exclusively written in hiragana. I’d like to be able to supplement my WK reviews with, say, 3-5 of the next most common hiragana words daily. I think that means offering a deck of the most common words not found in WK sorted by frequency that I can draw on for daily BP lessons.

Does that make sense? Happy to discuss further!

I just decided to import items over from WaniKani with the ‘practise’ mode toggled on.

I guess I shouldn’t have expected my custom synonyms to carry over, but it looks like many words are missing multiple definitions straight from JMdict – one example being 証跡 that only accepts “evidence” as an answer, not “proof” for instance.

Now when I searched for the word in Bunpro, I see two entries for the same word, “A18” and “E1”. Apparently the “A18” one has all three of the common definitions – so why does this “E1” version even exist, and why didn’t the import use the better “A18” entry instead?

I’ve already been adding custom synonyms into WaniKani for years, I’d rather not do that again if I can avoid it. :slight_smile:

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The team is working on the A and E decks in the background. Eventually E deck will be gone and all it’s reviews/ entries will be migrated to the A deck. So any vocab you have from E deck, will be switched to A keeping your progress and reviews

I don’t use wk, but I do agree it shouldve auto chosen from A deck. Maybe E deck was here first so the wk are still attached to that instead


Thanks for the info! I shall be waiting.


I wanna preface this by saying I’m new to this and am probably just not familiar enough yet, or just doing something wrong…

I’m finding myself wishing for some sort of ‘mark as wrong’ button that I can press when I really just don’t know the answer and can’t figure it out. I let a few grammar points go by as ‘correct’ before I realised I had to spam the next/enter key a few times with the text box empty to correctly mark it as ‘wrong’. I had a few sessions where I repeatedly got something wrong but somehow ended up with 100% accuracy :thinking:

If it makes a difference, I’m currently using the iOS app (where I find it’s a bit hard to click the next arrow multiple times in a row).

For me personally, if I haven’t got it right the first time it should be marking it as wrong at the end of the session (even if I eventually got to the right answer).

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Suggested improvement: Tell app users where you can buy a subscription!

In the app, it’s impossible to buy one (as far as I’m aware) and on the web and forums it’s not mentioned even once, where you can pay, only what typ of subscriptions there are.

I had to search for half an hour, only to realize I had to log into the web version of Bunpro to buy a lifetime subscription.
It’s not intuitive and should definitely be mentioned at the end of the one month trial period or on the info page about the different types of subscriptions.

By the way, your staff responds fast and is very nice, I just didn’t want to ask/bother customer support for such a trivial thing.

Feature request:
As already mentioned I (see quote below) I also want to use Bunpro to practice “WK words” in sentences. So it would be great if one could add Wanikani Vocab as a Deck

It seems other users already found a way to import WaniKani items, but I don’t know how. I should mention I only use the Bunpro App on my phone to study Japanese.

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It would be cool to have a page where this terminology is explained. (in this case I mean attributive form, of course, but something like “noun” and “sentence ending particle” might be added as well, not everyone is familiar with that, for example I am still in trouble thinking “What is adverb” every time I see it mentioned :slightly_smiling_face:)
Probably not very hard, but for people who are interested is very convenient.


Settings>display and reviews>wk api. When you sync over you have the option to choose practice instead of mastered. This will add any vocab from wk to your bunpro review pile. This does not add a wk deck

But there is this wk deck available from community decks you could use. Be sure youre opted into beta from account settings. And currently the community decks are only visible from web/web app unless already learning or bookmarked, only then you can see them in Android app

Suggested improvement: Tell app users where you can buy a subscription!

There are some legitimate reasons we can’t do this just yet. 🥲

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A feature suggestion for the iOS app.

I had no idea the “Cram > Special” feature existed! I only found out about because I was searching for a way to practice things I was struggling with, and found someone who had asked the same question on the forum!

My expectation was that if I clicked on a level on the dashboard, I’d quickly be able to start a session there.

The ability to do this wouldn’t replace the full cram feature, but the ability to do “quick crams” based on presets (to get the number of taps required down) would be great - especially for drilling ghosts and making sure you understand new lessons properly.

(Incidentally, the dashboard says that I have three ghosts, but the cram says I have none?)

More reading practice, please!

And listening practice would be great too


I know it would be a big change, but I think it would be really great to have JLPT level information listed on vocab when viewing a deck.

When scrolling through the vocab list in a deck, it would be nice to be able to quickly see (without clicking into every word) which words to add to reviews that would help you master the deck and your JLPT goals at the same time.


When you enter an incorrect answer during reviews, do you hit backspace or press “Undo”?

Instead, it could be worth leaving the review marked as wrong by pressing next/Enter without correcting any mistakes.
Or if you really have no idea what the answer is for the review, just leave the input box blank and press next/Enter a couple of times.
Then the review will come back around at the end of your review session, and even if you get the review right then, the review should still be marked as wrong overall for that review session.

Hope it helps solve the problem :slight_smile:

Have you explored the Listening feature inside of Cram? Might be what you’re looking for!


I dont think it would be too big of a change. When you import into a deck it does display that info to make the process easier. I would find it quite useful to have it show in regular deck screens as well. Or maybe even a filter to sort by Nlevels within the deck

right under the vocab like the import screen, I would very much like this addition

Import screen

reg deck screen

Screenshot 2025-01-21 170334


Will see what I can do!!