Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

Hi and welcome!

From what I’ve read in the past, I believe this is something that is in the pipeline, but not considered as massive a priority as finishing the N1 grammar etc. I’m sure @Pushindawood or @mrnoone will be able to give you more detail on this.


To add my two cents - I would be happy if when entering kana your answer got turned into kanji after submitting, so that you can at least get used to seeing it written in kanji, if not entering yourself.


New N3 and N4 grammar has been added again - thanks! But once more it’s a pain for users on N2+ to go to the settings and change the JLPT level forth and back and forth and back in order to get the new grammar in study mode.

Please add an “auto” entry to the JLPT level setting that will automatically choose new grammar in study mode.


Yes I agree, the more chances you have to connect the kanji to the word the better.


Does Lipsurf work with Bunpro to any degree? If so I’d probably sign up and give it a try.



Yes if you get the pro that has dictate. Currently it does a pretty good job but uses kanji, so then I just quickly on in and change it to hiragana.

So the guy has not made any thing for Bunpro yet. But he just made a Japanese dictate mode for me . I use it to quickly write down words I don’t know when I am reading and now for Bunpro. (=

its currently free to use for anki and the there a cheaper version that is awesome for wanikani.



I couldn’t read the whole thread, so maybe it was already proposed, but when learning new grammar point, when we are quizzed about it just after, can we have more than one sentence? like maybe 5 or 10, so we can get a feel for the new expression?


@foodsam Welcome to the community! As @matt_in_mito mentioned, kanji answers are something that we would like to implement in the future. We currently have a framework set up for kanji answers, but it is not as simple as just changing the current answers to accept their kanji equivalents. There are a number of alternative answers and answers that throw hints/warnings rather than marking you incorrect that also need to be accounted for. Once we feel that these alternative answers have been fleshed out and we have filled in missing grammar points, we will be able to focus on other features like kanji answers. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Cheers!

@Kuromaku Thank you for your suggestion. We hope to have something for you before too long. Cheers!

@Anthropos888 We hear you loud and clear. However, since we are very close to finishing up the remaining Tobira grammar points, this feature might have to wait until we add new grammar later down the road. We apologize for not having this feature readily available to you and appreciate your understanding. Cheers!

@LucPitipuis Welcome to the community! Have you tried the Cram feature? Cram draws from every available study question in our database to cover a variety of situations and nuances. :warning:︎While using Cram does not affect your normal review SRS, you may start to associate sentences with specific answers, which may affect your ability to legitimately recall a grammar point. Use with caution. Cheers!


Since I think the plan is to cover everything in Tobira, maybe this is an 言うまでもないことだが I noticed that the ある◯ grammar point doesn’t seem to be listed anywhere (not even as a grayed-out to-be-added point).

I wanted to check if it changes to いる if the grammar is being used to refer to someone/something animate, like いる人 or いる友達, but I couldn’t because it’s なさそう here :frowning:


Edit: This use of ある◯ to mean “a certain ◯” is actually 或る, not 有る, and therefore it does not change to 居る (いる) for animate people/animals/things :slight_smile:


Are there any plans to add grammar points and sentences for counters? Besides the common counters for thin objects, long objects, small objects, books, cups etc., there are also counters that are quite vague and difficult (when to use which?): 頭, 台, 軒 etc.

BTW, what’s the Japanese term for “counter”?


Ooh that sounds neat!

In the mean time, this thread talks about a few methods to learn counters yourself while you’re waiting for possible Bunpro features :wink:


I think it’s 助数詞. I found this by searching a Japanese dictionary for words I knew were counters and seeing how it labeled them.


I’d really love to be able to “favourite” grammar, adding it to an easily accessible shortlist. I haven’t found a way to do this.

For example, there are grammar points which I want to research more when I have time. So when reviewing or even just browsing all grammar if there was something like a little :heart: icon we could click to add to a Favourites list that would be awesome.


I’ve suggested this before as well, and I could still really use this feature.


I agree, somewhat. For now, though, I just bookmark them into their own folder in my browser. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


i’m sorry for posting it here, but I’ve paid subscription for a month with paypal this morning (about 6 hours ago) and i still can’t get bunpro to work, always redirected to subscription page. Thanks.


Hey :blush:

I have contacted person responsible, it should be activated soon!
By the way, are you using the same email for paypal and bunpro?
If not, please PM it to me or @Pushindawood :+1:

Sorry for the inconvienience!


thank you. waiting for my subs to be activated, maybe i’ll use card later :blush:

oh yeah paypal and bunpro are using same email.

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Maybe even a way to make your own little lists :open_mouth:

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This is probably more trouble than it’s worth, but on the off chance that I’m wrong, I think it’d be cool to have a preview pop-up window if you mouseover a grammar point links on the forums here. For example:

There’s no way to know which grammar point this is without actually clicking through :man_shrugging:

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