Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

I made a PDF with all conjugations for verbs, nouns and adjectives. You can find casual and polite forms there. The blue table is for casual u- and ru-verbs. In the first column you find the verb endings in dictionary form. Then just go to the desired column and see how the ending will change. If you print that document and use it for a few times, you will quickly remeber the the rules for conjugation.

But nevertheless I would encourage the Bunpro guys to give at least one example conjugation for u- and ru-verbs in the structure whenever a grammar point needs a specific verb-form. A structure like “verb[ば] + いい” is not enough. I am always missing sample verbs there.


Wow that’s awesome thanks !

This is amazing!
Can you add an imperative form column?

If you’re trying to get the differences between all the verbs, then I’d highly suggest you listen to this over and over and over until it’s ingrained in your head. That’s what I did and I never had to think about basic conjugations ever again.


The green table is just for the imperative Te-form and it’s additional conjugations like どください and どはいけăȘい. And the ăȘさい imperative you’ll find in the red table since it is based on the verb stem.

Maybe you should add a note that èĄŒă in its お-Form is an exception.

Suggested improvement for the “profile” tab: instead of just showing “Next Review: Now” please show the number of available reviews in brackets with the possibility to click on it in order to start reviewing.

Since the profile tab is my start page for Bunpro I’d like to see the number of reviews immediately on that page with the possibility to start them directly without having to open the menu first.

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I like the idea of seeing grammar ‘in it’s natural environment’ (i.e. in sentences), but I find it seems to make it harder to remember what each grammar point means, at least in the short term. Not sure if this is a problem for anyone else, but it just feels like information overload.

Would it make sense to start off with doing the SRS for the grammar point by itself, until you’ve shown you remember the meaning, then unlocking the example sentences? A little like Wanikani with radicals > kanji > vocabulary.

I’m currently doing this manually with Anki, but an inbuilt solution would be much nicer :wink:


Good idea, I also copy many grammar points to Anki to just study the meaning alone. But I think it’s difficult to implement that in the normal Bunpro reviews since the whole concept is about the sentences. And if you are asked to type in just the meaning for grammar like “transitive verb vs. intransitive verb” or for grammar with a lot of possible translations, then Bunpro would need to provide many alternative answers, synonyms and spellings for every grammar point, which is a lot of work.

Anki is easier, just try to recall the meaning and flip the card. So maybe it’s indeed better to use Anki for learning just the grammar meanings.

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A fair point :smile:

On a side note, what does Malech mean?

To be honest, nothing really - I made it up for some game I was playing years ago and it stuck. At the time i thought it sounded cool :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve since learned that it’s actually a real name too, which is an interesting coincidence.

It means angel in Hebrew



I just had a small moment of panic seeing “Thank you for purchasing a monthly subscription” from ‘admin’ in my email inbox. Obviously not a major problem but maybe “Your BunPro subscription has been renewed” would be less stress inducing!

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Don’t hate me if I’m wrong about this, haven’t really been properly tracking it, but it seems that once you get an Item wrong, it’ll be downgraded to the previous example sentence?

My problem with that is that, while I know just fine what たで means, I often forget that you have to add a ăȘ before it following Nouns and ăȘ-Adjectives.
When I get that wrong, I’ll be quized on ぼで following an いAdj/Verb again, because it moves me back one example sentence.
I my mind, this isnt how it should be because its kinda ineffective.
To me, it would be a great improvement if I got quizzed again on the sentences I got wrong, not the ones I got right.
I’m pretty sure this is true for multiple Items and I honestly couldnt tell you a solution except making the Items start from the first sentence again once you worked your way through all example setences.

Once again, I’m sorry if I missed some feature :b


Simple request: Can we set audio to autoplay in our settings? It proably sounds absurd to say that I don’t want to spend the extra millisecond pressing P, but I

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Thank you for pointing this out. Sorry for stressing you out!

@xBl4ck We have a big update to the way reviews work coming up. We will be making the sentences randomized, adding some initial quizzes where you will be checked on just the grammar and how it combines with other parts of the sentence (such as the need for ăȘ between たで and a ăȘ adjective) and tweaking a few other things.

@aerisdead We will get it added for you shortly.

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Feature request: can you use the WK API to show additional information for a kanji/vocabulary on hover or click? As mentioned in other threads, you often use advanced vocabulary in N5 or N4 which forces users to interrupt reviews and looking up the word first.
Or if users just forget the meaning of already known kanji/words it would be helpful to show a box on mouseover or click with information about:
Kanji: meaning, radical composition, WK level
Vocab: meaning, kanji composition, WK level

There are different ways to implement this and many other grammar sites have those info boxes for kanji. If you don’t want to use the WK API for that you could also just use js files with the whole jmdict content. I’m using that for some Anki decks and it works smoothly and fast.

That is something that we can look into adding.

Just to be clear, we do not use more advanced vocabulary for a particular JLPT level. We may use kanji for that particular vocabulary word that is more advanced, but all vocabulary that appears under a JLPT level on Bunpro is taken from vocabulary associated with that particular JLPT level.

EDIT: That being said, while we tried our best to be careful with what we added, we may have inadvertently added vocabulary that is inappropriate for a particular JLPT level. If you find any such cases, please do not hesitate to let us know so that we can update Bunpro and make it more comprehensive for everyone.


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Wow, I didn’t know that. Nice coincidence :slight_smile:

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