Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

So what would you do when you come across a kanji you cant read in context?





I tend to do most of my reviews on PC instead of mobile. When I use mobile, I prefer to use the Japanese keyboard as it is much quicker than typing (and more immersive)

So if I want to see the correct answer I have to press ‘A’ when using an English keyboard, but there is no key that can show the answer with the Japanese keyboard.

Basically, can we allow ‘あ/ア’ to do the same thing?


I second thi. This is a very good idea.

Look it up, this is just a shortcut that helps with comprehension.

Would be cool to actually have a section where one can see the reviews done in that review session (and not just in the last 24h).


I think most N3/N2/N1 grammar points have been geared to do this, maybe partially because I’ve been leaving feedback on their reviews asking to make the user include particles when possible :stuck_out_tongue:

If there’s ever any grammar point or review sentence in particular that you’d like to practice recalling the proper particle(s) for, just drop a suggestion on it with the “Report” button during reviews :slight_smile:

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet.
I think it would be awesome to have a prediction section in the stats that would show something like how long it will take you to reach the next JLPT grammar level based on your studied grammar and reviews so far.

I really enjoy this sub-menu we can use to see similar/related grammar points and then see examples/explanations/etc, it is a such great feature! This really helps alot to distinguish very similar grammar points but right now it is only available on entries (not reviews). Reviews would be great instead of opening a new tab for every related grammar point (if possible).

I have tried to do reviews with no English translation for the first time and I have to say it’s impossible if you don’t already know what the sentence is supposed to say/ mean (from previous reviews).
I would suggest an option to replace the English hints/ translation with a short Japanese equivalent learned in previous JLPT levels on Bunpro, or even a short and simple explanation in Japanese at least, it would help us practice more.
I think there is no way anybody could do the reviews with no hints/ translation, unless they have already memorized them from the Examples.

Another thing, no idea if this is an issue or not, but it corrected my correct answer and showed something else, but when I opened the grammar it was the exact same thing I said:


One of the Verb[volitional]とする examples is this:
I was told to “conjugate to emphasise 何回も”, but as far as I’m aware I’ve never come across this manner of emphasis before - I certainly had no idea how to respond to that suggestion - and it doesn’t seem to have a grammar point that I’d have done already by this point (but my searching can be rubbish).

If there isn’t one, perhaps it could do with a grammar point?

I know recently (?) there’s been improvements to automatically highlight grammar points in the review sentences that are taught on Bunpro, is there any plan to further extend this? Not sure how easy it would be when you take into consideration conjugations of said grammar points, but there’s a lot of things I’m manually translating with yomichan and not sure whether the point is already in Bunpro without manually checking.

I would really like an option that makes every grammar point that can be written in kanji always written in kanji on this website. Unless it already exists and I am missing it, I’m pretty sure I set my account to always show everything in kanji without furigana when I first started using Bunpro but most grammar points don’t show their kanji in the example sentences etc.

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Agreed, but will be tricky to do. I suppose you could rely on jisho to tell beginners which points are usually only kana or which ones utilize kanji, but might be a bit messy and I’m not smart enough to figure that out :upside_down_face:

Personally, I prefer to just learn the kanji for everything even if it’s usually written in kana, that way when it is written in Kanji I can still read it. Most of these grammar points I have just learned through Bunpro, I didn’t make vocabulary flashcards for them, so sometimes when I see they have kanji in novels and I couldn’t read them because I didn’t know it’s frustrating.

A temporary fix you could try (which is what I actually do) is use joshi/yomichan/whatever to see if the grammar point uses kanji and then copy and paste that into the Notes section of said grammar point and say whether it’s usually kana or not.

Not the most elegant but it helps a bit

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For the と同時に N3 grammar structure there are no examples with adjectives, even though they are mentioned in the rules and no examples using である。

And it feels a bit off that you could use it with a な adjective but い adjectives are not mentioned.
Would be nice to have at least 2 examples with each thing mentioned to see how they work. I guess we can add our own for now.
Thank you guys and good job with Bunpro, I love it!


Hints only is much more manageable but yeah, ‘empty’ is impossible without being familiar already, particular the similar grammar point hell. I occasionally test BunPro with a native and they can’t do it without fuller context (rather, they want to use other grammar points, get bored and say they don’t agree with this learning method and walk away, lol). I try to keep hints only but some sentences have obscure contexts, vocab I don’t know or even the hint isn’t enough if the tense is not known (so don’t know if there is a perfect approach). I like your idea if possible, would be quite an overhaul though.

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I’ve just got a question; wasn’t there a grammar point for 言わんばかり on here?

I was going to suggest that it be linked as “related” to one of the latest N1 additions, but I can’t find it anywhere. I’m starting to wonder where the heck I learned 言わんばかり so early on :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

With the recent release of 日本語の森’s new platform, could we maybe get a path for that? Obviously right now that’s not super doable (as they’re starting with N1, meanwhile Bunpro hasn’t completed that section yet), but I think this would be a great pairing of resources for grammar retention at all levels as they roll out.

Regarding the cram function, would it be possible to one day have a mode that just went through each grammar point in order and once you reached the end it goes into throwing random ones at you? Right now when I do a cram session it seems like a free-for-all and I’m sometimes getting the same grammar point 3x while others never get touched once. In addition, an easier way to view past cram session results would be greatly appreciated, as (to my knowledge) currently you have to do at least 1 cram point, finish session then you’re able to see your past history.

Maybe I’ve missed something so I’m happy to be pointed in the right direction! Slowly utilizing the cram feature more and more and it’s great