Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

I think weakest point of Bunpro is, we don’t have listening practices. We have the content for it though. For every lesson we have around dozen voiced examples. If website can show those examples in flashcard style, we could have a decent listening practice.

For example, when you open the “Listening practice” page, it will show you random examples from lessons you’ve already completed, after listening it you click on “Show the answer”, page will show the example in text, you select “weak, good or perfect” or some similar answers. Page will show you some new examples every day. Basically flashcards based on voiced examples from lessons you’ve finished.


While it’s not a complete replacement, you can download the audio files.

The old ones, such as the N5, are not included there until they are re-recorded though.

Credit for sharing to @Asher


In the reading practice section it would be nice to be able to reveal the english line by line so when I try to translate I can be able to check it without showing the rest of the text.

Since the N4 lesson order has been changed will the sentences change or will they stay as they are. If you do end up changing them maybe they can be put somewhere else so we can still use them.

Not the right thread for this but while looking to see if the sentences got changed I found a button “+Guide” on the lessons page that doesnt do anything.


I third that. I definitely need such a feature!

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Personally, I find it very hard to return to Bunpro after taking a break from it and I would like some features that aid in returning to Bunpro after significant breaks without completely resetting or manually removing lots of grammar one by one.

In Anki, I have a lot of different decks, so if I have a ton of reviews, it feels mentally easier to clear the reviews in one deck at a time, relearning the forgotten cards in each deck one at a time and getting each down to 0, rather than trying to tackle the reviews in every deck and relearn all the forgotten words all together at the same time. Anki also has a lot of customization features about what order you can tackle your reviews in. I can do things like bury cards for tomorrow etc.

Recently, I took a big break from Bunpro without knowing about vacation mode and have come back to hundreds of reviews. I’m finding it very hard to get through those reviews and start using the system again but I don’t really want to completely reset. It would be better for me if I could stratify my reviews into smaller sets or something like that to make it psychologically easier in this kind of situation.

I feel like tackling large amounts of reviews on Bunpro is even harder than other systems because with Bunpro, you don’t only need to remember the grammar points, you also need to remember the way that Bunpro describes those grammar points or the kinds of hints it gives which I often completely forget.

If there is already some way to do this I dont know about please let me know.


Following up, this is an issue in several places - example at 呉れる :

Mistake delay option so one doesn’t hit enter to go to the next question without seeing the right answer

Also, adding “Always Show Nuance” entries for every card, as it’s the best English setting on Bunpro

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I’ve been getting a few sentences in reviews which I couldn’t really answer because they require knowledge of grammar points I haven’t learned yet. I guess this is because the order they’re taught in got changed, but I think it might be neat if there was a general feature that unlocked sentences which require you to actively use a combination of grammar points based on what you’ve learned no matter what order you followed (at least within the same JLPT level? I guess a grasp of basic N5 grammar needs to be assumed at some point to make any kind of useful sentence).

Another smaller thing: I found myself trying not to glance at the English translation immediately for the example sentences that are embedded as part of the grammar explanation itself but found it hard to do. Could we maybe get an option to spoiler them similar to how it works on the examples tab?


Are you using the Bunpro path or following a textbook?

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I’m on the Bunpro path, doing N4 lessons right now. I reported this for the individual sentences through the feedback function and forum threads already, but thought to bring the suggestion up here as well as it might benefit others who follow a different path.

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Would it be possible to add a “Hint & Show Nuance” option in the review english drop down in the settings in addition to simply “Always Show Nuance” ?:thinking:
Somtimes there is no nuance so without any hint at all one might often have to press spacebar/hint to understand what is being asked from them. :pensive:


Sorry if this has been raised before, but there are quite a lot of times when there is no audio in the reviews, even though I know there is one on the examples page (I think they are the ones with the male voice). Is there any way to have these in the reviews? I find the audio really helpful :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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When a question involves verb conjugation, I would like it to show what type of verb it is (ichidan, godan, irregular). Otherwise, these questions rely on memorization of verbs, which is important, but it’s not what the grammar exercises should be testing. Maybe as a toggleable option. Can’t count the number of times I miss a review because I didn’t know that a particular -る verb was godan.


You’re not the only one who’s suffered from this. This used to drive me crazy … However, now I am thankful for all this extra practice. After all, the goal is to be able reliably to inflect all these verbs in all these different situations … Now I accept most of these ghosts with humility and acceptance of the fact that this indeed is a long journey.


You shouldn’t be needing to memorize verbs to determine what type they are, simply looking at how they end is going to work out for you 99% of the time. Feels like a daily tradition to post this link, but it should help visualize which verbs are which instantly and thus be able to easily determine how to conjugate them.

Conjugation still sucks at the very early stages, but (at least for me!) once I walked through these short videos once or twice I never even thought about the words ichidan, godan, irregular, etc. Hopefully it helps!


Ah, thanks for that. Somehow I knew all of that except for the い and え rule for る, so I had a lot of times where I got to “this is a る verb” but it was a crapshoot after that. This helps a ton.

Hahahaha oh dear yeah if you didn’t know that rule then that’s gotta be brutal! I’m pretty sure every learner at some point ends up smashing their head on the keyboard in frustration over conjugation initially.

Can we make it so that when the correct answer is shown, it shows furigana, rather than having to move onto your mouse to confirm it? I think a lot of people will be testing their kanji reading skills, not just knowing the definition.
Also, why is this a ghost?? Believe it or not, I know what ojiisan means :rofl:


Just as a follow-up to this, I added a handful of vocabulary to my deck and most of them seem to be ghosts now, despite me knowing them all. Am I doing it right? I press the number 2, the word goes green, then I press enter to go to the next review.

Edit: Example
I have never got this one wrong and yet it is a ghost on SRS 1. I got it right and it jumped up to level 3.

I’ve never got this one wrong and yet it is a ghost on level 3. When I hit the number 2 it went green but took my SRS down to level 2.

You obviously have some teething problems with the new vocabulary section, so I’ll leave it with you. Let me know what you find.


Yeah this is happening to me too. The vocab are not showing up in any ghost lists, but they are appearing in the review section as ghosts.