Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

poltergeist reviews.

a modification to ghost reviews. instead of the same sentence coming back to haunt you. the grammar point but everytime a different sentence come back to haunt you.

i noticed ghost reviews tend to make you memorize the sentence as a whole instead of the grammar point - this fixes this issue.


Iā€™m struggling differentiating the various honorific and humble grammar lessons towards the end of N4, specifically the honorificā€™s from each other.

Iā€™ve noticed that the hints (the bits in orange between the square brackets) on ć„ć‚‰ć£ć—ć‚ƒć‚‹ arenā€™t very helpful at the lower levels, just saying ā€˜honorificā€™ - there are likely to be 2 other honorific grammar lessons on the go at the same time (ćŖ恕悋 and 恫ćŖ悋 being the others if Iā€™m not mistaken).

Those at the higher end also include a hint about the verb that itā€™s replacing ā€˜present, comeā€™. Honestly this is so useful on a tricky lesson, please could you update the lower end questions. It would be awesome if it even included the verb its replacing - something to help differentiate it from the other honorific points.

It might save the sanity of those that follow - itā€™s too late for me :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


i would like to be able to turn off certain sentences from the SRS rotation because some are unneccessary clunky and full of rare vocab.

So, Iā€™m going to be the devilā€™s advocate here and say: I donā€™t like the way vocabulary has been introduced on Bunpro.

Small rant: This website is in my eyes the best resource available for learning Japanese grammar. But there are still many features/requests unfulfilled related to grammar. Why then start using manpower on a feature that already exists on countless other websites? Youā€™re many years of work from surpassing other websites in terms of vocabulary-learning.

Real point: That said, the decision was made and youā€™ve started the journey into the vast land of vocabulary. Hereā€™s the thing I dislike: Youā€™ve suddenly switched from a Japanese input style (for grammar) to English input (for vocabulary). Why?
A ā€œfill the gapā€-sentence with the Japanese word for ā€œxā€ (x is the English equivalent you want - maybe given by hint?) would surely work better for retention and reading practice - and it would be in the same style as the grammar section of the website. Itā€™s also a feature that very few of the countless vocabulary websites use (thus giving you a competitive advantage). Not to mention, it would eliminate all the hassle you have with synonyms right now.

Short version: I think you should have Japanese input for vocabulary, not English.


I have a small rant regarding Information section in details tab. The furigana in brackets next to the kanji is making me hard to read the sentences, especially the example sentences. I think it would be better to put the furifgana on top of the kanji.

This was during reviews yeah? Thereā€™s currently an annoying bug during reviews that the furigana gets all messed up and doesnā€™t show properly for some reason.

Yes. So it wasnā€™t supposed to be like that? I have hundreds of reviews piles up so I still havent checked how it looks like in grammar section.

Nah itā€™s not supposed to be like that. If you go check any grammar point on the site you should see that the furigana is working as intended. For some reason only during reviews now does it get all screwed up. Something in a new update must have tripped the system up, Iā€™m sure itā€™ll get taken care of pretty quick.

Good luck with all those reviews though!

I am using WaniKani for Kanji/vocabulary learning, and very much appreciate the furigana display integration (although it doesnā€™t seem to be perfect, in that it regularly omits characters I havenā€™t yet learned).

One related way to make Bunpro work even better for this use caseā€”getting some reading practice in as well while revising grammarā€”would be a quick way to look up the English translation for individual words without showing the translation entire sentence. Right now, Iā€™ve got the choice between copy/pasting individual words into a dictionary, which is tedious at my level (absolute novice, halfway to N5), or toggling on the entire prompt, which spoils more than necessary. This could e.g. be implemented using the same WaniKani-synced way was for the furigana, or on mouse-over. A natural way to display the translation might be below the main line of Japanese text, or in a second line above the furigana.

I have no idea if this has been suggested before, but I would really like to just play sentence audio of the grammar points Iā€™ve learned. Like on a loop, sentence by sentence, from multiple grammar points. Sometimes I just want to listen to some Japanese that in theory Iā€™m familiar with and do some shadowing. :grin:


I wouldnā€™t call this a high priority request, but it would be nice if you could see what level of the JLPT a grammar point is when following the link from a path.

E.g., Iā€™m using the Tobira path, but if I follow the link for any grammar point from the Tobira path page, nowhere on that page does it say what level of the JLPT that grammar point falls under. You have to manually go to the search bar under ā€œContentā€ and type the grammar point in separately. I know that each respective path roughly falls within a certain range on the JLPT, but it was always something that bothered me.


I think I would like a feature that allows you to redo all of the reviews that you got wrong over a day.

A lot of times when I am doing a session of reviews I have a few reviews that I get wrong because I simply donā€™t know them. But when I am done with the reviews I am kind of out of luck on reviewing them unless I want to hunt through the hundreds of reviews on the cram section, hope I can even find the ones I was getting wrong with out forgetting any of them. And no you canā€™t just use the troubled grammar section of the cram feature because it rarely if ever has anything in there (I mean seriously what even are the requirements to get something in troubled grammar I think that needs a real fix).
So if the site just ear marked anything you got wrong that day and let you instantly toss those into a cram session, or any type of custom session, to get used to them so you can actually learn them instead of waiting for the next review. Because most people donā€™t have the time to actually do new reviews when they show up I think we can all relate to that and only do the reviews once or maybe twice a day. If Iā€™m getting something wrong I want to be able to easily go into doing more reviews of that. And yes I know there is a ghost feature and that is good and all but I think having a session with reviews you got wrong being automatically offered would be a nice help.

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You might want to try out Yomichan :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve been using the new vocab decks for a few days now and theyā€™re pretty good. Thereā€™s some things here and there but something is a little strange.

After learning a new piece of vocab, sometimes it will suddenly shoot up to SRS 13, which I donā€™t even think exists, and sometimes sits at SRS 0 when everything else is at SRS 1. I can manually fix it through the vocab pages but itā€™s way too time consuming.

Probably just a bug but thought I should bring it up here.

I also like doing this to get natural speed and cadence down.


You can download audio here Bunpro Public Resources - Google Drive and make some playlist out of it :slight_smile:


This looks great but I totally donā€™t have time to make my own playlists :joy: I really really appreciate it though! Maybe when I have time Iā€™ll look more into it.

My ideal scenario is to have the filtering kinda like the Cram feature, but specifically to play the audio sentences one after another for the respective grammar points. Maybe also with a setting on whether to play the fast/slow/both female/male/both version, as well as a setting on how many times to play the audio of each sentence before continuing to the next one. That would be so awesome because Iā€™d love to hit a few buttons and have the sentences playing while I do other things :slight_smile:

Only been using Bunpro for about a week after using WaniKani for a year and a half. Signed up for a lifetime of WK, but not sure if Iā€™ll do the same for Bunpro. Wish it was more guided like WK as I have no self-control and have already buried myself in reviews and Ghosts.

Not sure if thatā€™s gonna change, but one thing I wish was available that WK has is a ā€œWrap Upā€ option for reviews. I got like 47 reviews right now on Bunpro and if I wanted to go through them since I get everything wrong, itā€™d probably take me like an hour. With WK, I do at most 50 reviews an hour and when I get 40 complete, I hit ā€œWrap Upā€ and it kinda locks in the last ten. Would be nice if Bunpro had a similar thing as Iā€™m finding with reviews that Iā€™ll try to do like ten or so an hour, maybe, but I end up just answering the ones I know. I end up missing the ones I donā€™t know and never answering them.

Does this make any sense?

There are two menus available to you in the upper left corner when doing reviews.
I believe that ā€œFinish Sessionā€ in the lower of the two menus will do exactly what you want. It will stop giving you new questions and only ask you for answers to the questions you got wrong, then it will exit the review session

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This is a common thing, and I suppose it makes sense when people go from Vocab to Grammar and try to see them the same way (and thus take it at the same speed.) Grammar is the true definition of ā€œmarathon, not a sprintā€ because yeah you could go super quick and just memorize the literal word for grammar points, but you wonā€™t actually understand how itā€™s used in the sentence or anything else. A common speed people do here for N5 is roughly a point or two a day during the weekday, or whatever feels comfortable.

I think I did about 10 new items a week from N5 through half of N2, with some breaks in new points when I felt I was going too fast. A comfortable speed could really be anywhere from 5-10 IMO. Finding your own pace is something that, unfortunately, most learners will have to deal with eventually but itā€™s usually for the better as itā€™ll allow for more flexible study habits, imo.

Anyways, like @narfi said, hit the hamburger during reviews and press Finish Session. Hereā€™s a pic to show you:

Welcome to Bunpro though!