Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

Suggestion: A “Set SRS 8/X” option when you add new grammar.

This suggestion is aimed at false beginners and upper beginner/intermediate learners, and making bunpro a better resource for them.

Right now when we add new grammar to Reviews we unlock three options: “Remove from Reviews”, “Reset” and “I know this”. I would love to see a forth option in the same panel: “Set SRS 8” (or maybe even a “Set SRS X”, where x is inserted by the user).

I propose this because it enables a more smooth transaction from whatever study-material the learner used before into Bunpro. If we can set grammar points to SRS 8/x, you can acknowledge the grammar points you know about - but might not yet master (without having to stomp through 7/x-1 repetitions that might feel like its taking time from the new grammar points you want to learn).

My opinion is that this would make Bunpro more useful quicker for new users.

PS: I picked 8 because it feels like a suitable middle ground. You don’t have to wait too long to confirm if you know the grammar point, and if you do then it quickly gets spaced a long while forward.


Back to level 14. I’ve been rolling N5 in over the course of a week, one lesson left. My N4 was complete but shakier, so I’ll roll that back more slowly. It’s been a good review, and I’m surprised at the number of small things I still needed review on.

So it’s not all bad.

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Did you do N4 before the team implemented in-house writeups? I’ve been going through those points recently to touch up and am amazed at the new nuance things I learn. Alllllmost makes me want to start over like you again haha.


Click-able Vocab that connects to the new decks. This way when hit with a new word during a review, you can simply open a pop-out and read more about it. You can then also ‘add to reviews’ now that you have seen it (somewhat) in the wild, and want to start it through the SRS system to continue memorizing it.
Vocab in the current example sentences could be added to the new decks in the appropriate N-level (if they aren’t already there), so that learners at any level can add and learn the new vocab along with the grammar as they go.

Obviously this will be restricted for a time due to only having N5 and N4 decks, but as more decks are made, and the decks are already much larger than any other N-* decks around, it will become more practicable.


Suggestion: Reading practice with folklore stories, grammar links included

The idea is to expand the reading practice with stories, specifically I suggest Japanese folklore stories. Similar to the grammar paths, there could be a display of grammar points that appear in each story, and one could filter the display for known/unknown grammar (so one would for example only see which grammar points one is missing for a given story).
Additionally, vocab may be linked to the vocab function eventually. Furthermore, after working through a story (ticking “read”), the sentences with various grammar points can enter the review queue if desired. With the additional story context, consolidation should be much improved over the isolated example sentences.

The idea was inspired by a collection of 97 folklore stories that all have good audio recordings and complete Japanese transcriptions (description), most of them also have an English translation (“open transcript”): Learn Japanese Through Story (N5):一寸法師(いっすんぼうし)/ The Inch-High Samurai - YouTube
I am unsure whether this collection could be used directly (copyright, collaboration, etc.).


This have probably been mentioned by someone else too. Is it possible to make BunPro play the male voice rather than the female voice when one is doing reviews?

If it has already been implemented, would someone be as kind as to guide me to the proper settings menu. I have looked about unable to find it.

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Or better yet, give the option to play both end to end

I would like to more listening options.
First, hear the word spoken, then a sentence using the word.
I think this would also be better for vocabulary recall than out of context translation.
Also, for words like 出る which could be translated to dozens of words in English, using it a sentence to lock down which variant would be very helpful.

Please add a “report” feature to grammar descriptions.

I keep noticing typos here and there but it’s too much effort to make a forum post for each one.


At the bottom of each grammar page you’ll see the ‘Report’ button which I think is what you’re looking for? Maybe I’m missing something.

Ah, it’s not there when doing reviews or learning new grammar, only when looking it up.

Not sure if this is intentional or not.

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Would it be possible to add a parenthesis to the Kansaiben vocab deck in the definition to indicate which dialect it is during reviews? I just noticed after adding the vocab that none of them indicate they are Kansaiben cards except for the grammar points.

I can see it being really confusing once other dialects are added to the site.


I just tried it during reviews and there’s both the report button at the bottom of the grammar section and also a report button right below the review section. Maybe take a screenshot or something to show what’s getting messed up on your end?

+1 please!! The report button isn’t there when learning a new point, which is usually where I find most issues and want to report them. I have to stop my learning session and navigate to the point separately to find and use the report button. Big pain on mobile.

When learning a point, there are no cards at the bottom of the page for “your progress” or “actions” like reporting.

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I’ve been using Bunpro to actually study N2 grammar this time :smile_cat: and whilst enjoying the product so far, I noticed a few things.

  • It would be awesome if you could include the button to add custom sentences on the study page.
    • I’ll study a new point, then go to another site like Nihongokyoshi to add custom notes and will often wish to add a custom sentence. Right now this is troublesome as I have to open another tab and find the point in the grammar section.
  • Some way of adding items from the search/grammar list into a custom study list.
    • This would be useful for users studying from an unlisted path, like a random JLPT book.
    • Perhaps just a way of adding bookmarked items to the study list would suffice.
  • A way of filtering points in the big grammar list. I really expected there to be some way to only show (not search in) N1/N2 grammar points. Or at least inverse the ordering,

Would like a “study next/priority” list compared to the normal “bookmarks”.

Right now I am mostly learning by throwing myself into immersion, looking up tons of unknown vocab, mining some sentences for those and sometimes none and sometimes looking up a grammar structure on bunpro on the fly.

The thing rn is: Usually I dont want to work through the new bunpro grammar point in detail while in the middle of reading and just have a quick glance over it.
If I add it to reviews immediately I am in danger of just getting it wrong a few times/forgetting to look at it more thoroughly later on. If I bookmark it, its also easy to forget I wanted to add it or could get mixed up with my normal bookmarks.

A “prio/study next/referenced” kind of option would allow to a) simply add those at the front of your grammar point study list (aka next time I click on…

… before continuing with the next grammar points in my chosen path (or bunpro order) it would lead me to the page of those “added to prio/reference list” items I might still have in my head and wanna add to the queue.

Behavior of this could be regulated by a corresponding option. Eg. behavior that prio list should add to front or back of the next reviews/replace them/mark referenced items with a new type of icon aka “hey you already glanced over this, might wanna add it soon” etc etc

Just seems like a cool way to integrate bunpro into my immersion time without actually breaking it :thinking:


It would be useful if the caution panels could have alternative suggestions. It’s happened a couple of times when I writing a wee bit of Japanese, that I come back to Bunpro to check I’ve used a grammar point correctly. Then I’ve read the caution panel advising that I might not want to use it. It’s a end dead at this point.

For example I wanted to thank someone for their kind words on a post, so looking to use this grammar point:

I nail it, yay memory, but then I read the caution panel :face_with_monocle: hmmm do I want to use this at all now, will it seem over the top… I’ve hit a dead end. Just a little “you might want to use blah instead”

Came here as this has happened a few times now. Would be great to be signposted to something else when a caution advises you against using a grammar point for alternatives.



I agree with the point of your post, but you’re actually okay with this situation if the kind words were directed at you (or your in group).
ex: そんな優しい言葉を言ってくれてありがとうございます。
→ the feeling of “I feel good because of your kind words, so ありがとうございます”


I’ll add a bit more info on the caution section. Basically the way I see it is, if you would say ‘for me’ in English, then くれる is fine. As just like English, くれる adds that extra emphasis of something being done specifically ‘for you’.

For example, you’re at a shop, at the registers. The staffmember hands you your item and your receipt. You say “Thanks for doing that for me”… Sounds strange, almost sarcastic. However, if you ask that same staff member to ring another store and find out if they have a particular item in stock, then you would/could say “Thanks for checking for me” and it would sound perfectly natural, same with Japanese 確認してくれてありがとう.

So my main ‘does this sound natural?’ check for くれる would be ‘for me (or someone close to me)’.

Thanking someone for things that they have said is also a really natural way to use くれる, especially when it was obvious that it was said for you/your benefit.


Can you please add an option to remove the SRS cap please? I would like to keep reviewing the grammar beyond 6 months, even if the intervals are in years. Rather then resetting this would be better, because I won’t accidently reset grammar I already know. if the SRS continues then I will be only be getting reviews on the grammar I am about to forget. do this and I will buy life time sub right now!

Thank you :slight_smile:

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