Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

That could be done by using shared user-created sentences. An excellent idea!

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A small point, but it would be great if unfinished cram sessions (specifically, clicking on “FINISH SESSION” in cram) would count towards the total number of cram sessions in my user stats.

Currently, only fully completed sessions count, which makes it a bit harder for me to track my progress. (I like to add lots of grammar items with “Complete Mode” and whittle away at them over weeks, but would still like that to count to my stats…and badge progress :sweat_smile:)


Are there any plans to add the Bug Report button next to the example sentences of the ‘Details’ tab of a grammar point, or the ability to manually enter a bug report from the ‘Your Feedback’ page (Log in - Japanese Grammar Explained | Bunpro)?

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Just a question for the team, specially UI department.

What’s the criteria for doing a toggle or a drop-down?

I understand the drop-down, when there are more than two options, or when the setting is not a simple Yes-Enabled / No-Disabled

Is just a minor annoyance but I was kinda curious.

Have thougt the same thing.

@Sidgr We flip a coin… :joy:

In all seriousness though, we do have plans to unify them in a future update. For now the settings UI\UX update is definitely low on the priority list.


In the dashboard’s review forecast, it would be cool if it showed cumulative review count up until and including the day that is mouseovered with. For example, if I now put the cursor on 22 Wed, it shows
Grammar: 10
Where it could show
Grammar: 10 (32)
where 32 would be 14+8+10 which is a sum of Mon-Wed values. Same thing for hourly mode.

Right now I actually do this arithmetic manually to plan ahead and decide to take new lessons or not, so that there are not too many reviews in the coming days.


Figured I’d suggest some grammar points I’m going over in my school which don’t seem to be on bunpro.


It seems there are several grammar points I’ve run into that are similar in nature based on 気 so I wonder if there would be a way to relate them all since they all seem to come from a similar premise based on my understanding.

I did see some of these listed as vocab words (without sentences yet) but I wonder if they should be grammar points instead since their usage seems to be pretty specific at least the way it was being described in my class.



I have found the search grammar feature incredibly helpful. However I have one slight issue with it. It doesn’t save if you filter for grammar or vocab. In my case, I use bunpro exclusively for grammar. So having to check off the vocab filter everytime makes it less efficient I think. It also resets all the filtered options after reopening the app.

I’m not sure if the web app solves that issue, but at least the app is not keeping filters.

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These seem like more 慣用表現 (idiomatic expressions).
If we included every single combo of these there would be a gajillion grammar points :joy:

Maybe one day we can include them through the Vocab/Deck feature or other means.
These types of expressions and collocations are so important for studying Japanese. No other learning material seems to cover them thoroughly, so I resort to creating my own decks for them as I discover them.
Plus when you study them, you get 2-for-1s as you can study multiple Nouns/Adjectives/Verbs/Adverbs all being used together in natural expressions


That is a good point. I always find it hard to tell what should be considered a grammar point or not. I saw some similar expressions were already covered which is why I brought it up.

For instance:

I will say, it seems like to me in Japanese most grammar just seems to be understanding how to use certain vocabulary. It does seem to be very nuanced a lot of times which it what can make their usage so difficult.

How are grammar points vs just standard vocab/expressions determined?

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On the website it is separate. I do agree I find this quite annoying in the app as well though.

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I think we have the same conundrum when thinking about what qualifies as being a grammar point.
The three you mentioned are definitely the most common, and once you understand their structure, they should help you decipher other expressions as you come across them in the future.



Also, while I got your attention, is there any plans to allow you to lay out grammar in your own curriculum. Right now I’m going to a language school and they don’t follow the JLPT curriculum and use their own custom textbooks. I’d say the content we are learning is a combination of N3 and N2 with a hint of N1.

Right now, I currently just look up grammar points on bunpro and make notes in an Anki deck to keep it all organized based on my school material. But honestly it would be great if I could add grammar points to a list to organize them based on my school’s structure. That way afterwards I could easily find all those grammar points as well.

From there another thought I had was if I could then add my own grammar points for things not yet covered (maybe like the ones I listed in my last comment with a sentence or two for myself), that would be so beneficial. I could then use the spaced repetition of bunpro to cover these topics instead of Anki cards on the side.

I actually have 2 other classmates in my specific class who use bunpro too, so I could see this being a really useful way for students who use bunpro. And if we could then share lists together, this would make for an amazing way to collaborate.

Also by the way, I wanted to mention using the new beta layout is awesome. I really love it.


Thanks for the positive feedback about Reviews 2.0!

I’ll send you a DM about this


This is a more long-term suggestion for extending the feature scope.

One thing I noticed is that I start to associate the bunpro hints to specific grammar points rather than understanding the grammar nuance and the japanese meaning overall. To work around this, I have this idea:
I’d suggest a different type of review where one sees the Japanese sentence and extracts the grammar nuance, e.g. by a multiple choice format focusing on similar grammar points (such as the nuances of そうだ and らしい). Thereby, one would focus the learning much more on the meaning and less on associating hints to grammar points.

The easiest way I can think of is simply having the full Japanese sentence and then the translation and hints that are already in the system as multiple choice answers - all that is needed then is to integrate answers from similar grammar points (which is also already marked in the system). Future versions could then improve on the details.


Kamesame has a nice feature for those of us with bad habits who let our review piles get out of control. You can space out your current review pile. If you slack off and get a pile of 300 reviews, you can tell the app to give you them in sets of 45 per day. By the end of the week, you’ll be done with your backlog.

Everything stays at the current SRS level, and it doesn’t affect anything that’s not in the review queue at that precise moment, so you will of course end up doing 45 + whatever comes due again due to how SRS spacing works. It can add a psychological advantage to getting back in the swing of things.


As far as I know theres no where else to view alternative answers except during reviews - so would it be possible to add alternative answers to the sentence list on the grammar point? Maybe via a clickable icon next to each sentence with alternatives? I’d ideally like to be able to navigate to the grammar point that the alternative answer is using if it’s a different point altogether


I like this idea a lot.

Please add a leaderboard for the number of reviews completed. It could be on a monthly or biweekly basis.

This would provide intrinsic motivation for those who would want to be on top, and extrinsic motivation among competitive members of the community. It could also be just an extra kick for those who can’t manage to keep their streak or feel down about not being able to. They would see their total reviews over a full month in comparison to others, and feel better and keep at it.