Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

Please add more features for the “notes” section. I am usually reading the writeups, copying the important/summary parts I need to stay aware of towards notes/ sometimes copying stuff from similar points etc.

I usually end up colorizing all the important bits, but would love if I had at least different colors to work with!

One really basic example showing this would be this:

And this is a harmless example, there are times I would love if I could use 4-5 different colors to keep it clean.

If I could use a different color for the 2nd line or even a potential third line or when marking important words in a direct comparison of multiple similar constructions, being able to assign a color towards each one would make notes SO much more useful and easy to work with for me.

Thank you!


I’ve been doing the reading style in cram for grammar, and I think I find it way more useful than regular reviews. With the reviews at the later levels, it feels less like I’m really practicing the Japanese and more just memorizing sentences and/or hints.

I would like it so that we could set reviews to basically use the reading style cram interface and have that impact the SRS.


I’d love to set a custom date range for all my stats, streaks, etc. so I can focus on specific timeframes.

Something that keeps motivating me is to see how many grammar points (colored in squares) I have in a month - lately, the monthly page has been a few weeks slow to update to the current month. For example, right now on the stats page, it still shows December for me.

Would it be possible to have the change as we move to the next month?

Thank you :slight_smile:

This would be super painful to implement and even worse to explain to users, so perhaps it is a non-starter, but often mistakes are attributed to the wrong grammar point.

For example, I am へた at the てform, and I often screw this up when practicing てくる for example. I understand the grammar point being tested, but the error is counted against てくる when the error is really about て form.

— Dave


Maybe you could make every Japanese word used in a Bunpro example or review sentence addable to the vocabulary reviews. There could be a hidden Bunpro deck with words that are not part of an official deck (eg. Genki 1) or JLPT levels.

Lately I’ve gotten quite addicted adding all the unknown & unsure words from grammar sentences but also words found in the wild to my Bunpro stack. Skimming through the decks page, seeing percentages grow in decks I haven’t even tried is quite the satisfying experience.

It’s always sad when I can’t add a word that was used in a Bunpro sentence.


Sorry if this has been previously mentioned and if I overlooked it.

An ability to adjust the audio to play faster would help me understand Japanese spoken at a natueal pace much more easily. I understand that programming this may be difficult and time-consuming, but I like how realistic Bunpro’s example sentences are compared to others I have heard and read.

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I think the audio speed for the example sentences is pretty natural, but I understand the want to go a little faster :racing_car:
We have ideas on introducing a slider for audio speed – e.g. 0.7 - 0.8 - 0.9 - 1x.
Could pretty easily add a slightly faster speed too!

This is what’s preventing me from using the self-study sentences feature. I just added a bunch of sentences to the Transitive-Intransitive verbs grammar point and had to delete them all because it’s more confusing to study them all at once. Any updates on this?

+1000. This is EXACTLY what my feedback above was basically saying (that nobody responded to :frowning: ). I beg the Bunpro staff to make this a reality. Last night I was literally contemplating stopping use of the site itself to manually copy paste sentences out of the platform just to be able to review this way with SRS. Copy pasting my similar feedback from above:

Adding first class support for grammar recognition for those that prefer this method over cloze production sentences. That is, I would like the front of the card to show me the sample sentence in Japanese with the grammar part highlighted, and the back of the card is the meaning of the grammar point and the overarching sentence in English.

Whether production is more effective over recognition is a moot point as some of us would prefer less cognitive load per card and more repetition of recognition.

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Would be cool at add more filters to cram. Stuff like adverbs only, conjugations only, keigo etc

  • かね使つかぎないのが大事だいじです。

It is important to not use too much money. (That which is ‘not using too much money’)

^This is an example sentence for the grammar point “こと - converting a verb to a noun.” As far as I can see it does not contain the grammar point even though it’s being used to examplify it. It would be nice if each lesson had a button for giving feedback on that specific lesson instead of having to come to the forum and make a thread to point things like this out. There is a feedback feature for each example sentence in the rewievs, but not for the lessons themselves.

I also want to add my support to the requests for a recognition mode for reviews mentioned by a few people above. Please consider implementing it :pray:


I could have sworn I did do such a report at one point so I decided to look into it a bit. There is a report button for lessons at the complete bottom of the page for direct grammar point entries, but it doesn’t show up when you’re learning it, by which I mean when you’re going through the lesson to do the quiz to first add it (url Log in - Japanese Grammar Explained | Bunpro). That’s kind of weird.


Sometimes it’s difficult for me to determine from the review prompts (the orange text) which grammar point it is looking for. For example for と見える the prompt when you encounter it in review is: “An expression that makes a conclusion about the way that something appears.” and for に見える, the prompt is “An expression that strictly highlights the way something looks, or can be viewed.”

Is it possible to have the prompts that appear during reviews be shown somewhere on the page(s) for the associated grammar point(s)? Maybe it could go in the “Details” section? I suppose I could put it in the notes, but I’m curious if others would find this useful or helpful.

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These hints are tied to the questions you see in Reviews, which are actually not tied internally to the Example Questions on the Grammar Point page.

Would be hard to implement this unfortunately >_<
Maybe one day though users will also be able to view all the questions directly

I didn’t go through the entire thread so not sure if that was already mentioned, but one thing that’d be great (at least to me) would be to be able to review the meaning of grammar point without a sentence context. For example quite often when I do the reviews with the sentence and the hint I get which grammar point I need to use. But if I try to remember the meaning of it outside of the reviews I often find that I cannot. Basically the feature would be to be able to review grammar point in a similar way as vocabulary.

Yeah setting up those connections on the back end would be a LOT of work given how many sentences and grammar points there are. So for now when I get confused about the hints for one or more grammar points, I make a document like this to help me differentiate:

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Always interesting seeing how people use our resources!
I think this would indeed work better just as supplemental information added directly to the grammar point. Like a summary that is separate from the Writeup.

I am a new user and I am struggling with this a lot.
I looked to see if there’s a setting that can show what it’s expecting of me as a hint, but I don’t think it exists? Maybe that’s cheating?
But when I click more and I see A grammar point that can highlight an entire phrase as being possible. I still am not sure what it wants from me. So I will type ‘a’, hit enter and then look at what opens up and see aaah… this is ことが出来る then hit Undo and attempt my answer. Perhaps I’m just not good enough, but I am struggling to make a connection between what they are describing and what they are looking for.
I have a notepad open with this one it currently:
A structure used create a noun phrase to show that (B) is something that did or is doing (A).
~た + (Noun)

An expression that is often used for casually giving or asking permission.

A word that takes one thing from a group of possibilities, and presents it as a single thing.
だけ Only, Just

A verb form used when highlighting that someone or something is in the ongoing state of (A).

A grammar point that can highlight an entire phrase as being possible.

I don’t know if that’s cheating, but I can’t work out what they want from me a lot of the time.

If I could click something to see the grammar point hint without the answer, then I would know what they are looking for. Even being able to see ~ている on the screen, there’s still plenty of chances to get the question wrong. Some of the easy ones I can see it would just straight up give you the answer, like if the grammar point was で.

Maybe it just gets better with more experience using the system?


My suggestion for improvement is to use auto-generated sentences for reviews and ghost reviews. While doing ghost reviews I found that I memorize the sentence rather than learn the grammar point.
I believe that by encountering new sentences all the time a grammar point is reinforced.
If these auto generated sentences are made all the time, people could study as much as they want without getting used to the same sentences over and over again. It’s the difference between reading one book over and over again versus reading many different books.

I appreciate the difficulty in implementing such a feature, but I hope one day Bunpro offers this.