General small question/new people thread

Okay thanks! And now that you pointed it out I think it was the “ing” that was tripping me up. Thanks! ありがと~~~


So got another question :slight_smile:
For this grammar point じゃないか | Japanese Grammar SRS
じゃないか || isn’t it?

So to be polite you can say it as : じゃないですか
Which is fine, but could you ever say it as : じゃないますか or じゃないませんか
Is that ever viable or is it a no?

In that case you’d use the polite conjugations じゃありませんか or ではありませんか.

じゃない is actually a conjugation of ある and じゃないです (while imo the most commonly used) is kind of a roundabout way of conjugating ありません.



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Okay I have another question~ >:)
This time it is about てくれる

In the blue fun fact section it says: Fun-fact - てくれる is one of the most casual ways to ask for a favor, w…
But then some of the questions ask you to answer it in the polite fashion.
Which looks like is normally ました or ます.
But I just don’t really get why you’d ever use the polite ending if it’s casual.
Would that make it kind of like a mocking thing to do? Or is it more along the lines of, nah sometimes you just make it polite and it’s not a big deal.
Do people do this or is it just a grammar exercise and nothing more?

てくれる?— casual
てくれますか? — polite
てくれませんか? — polite

So, how do you ask for a favor? - #9 by mrnoone

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What exactly does the “Streak Average Over Time” section in the Statistics Page mean?


桜を見 --ながら-- パーティーをしようと思う。[見る]
I think that I will have a party while viewing cherry blossoms.


This is a question from the ながら grammar point.
My question is how would it change the sentence if I used ている or ているところ instead of ながら.
Because I guess I don’t know what the difference between the points are. In my head they all seem to work like “ing” does in english. Would appreciate it if anyone knew

Don’t translate “~ing” to Japanese.
Translate “while V~ing” or “am V~ing” to Japanese. (ながら or ている)
General small question/new people thread - #53 by FredKore


I don’t know what you’re trying to tell me.
I’m asking how the sentence would change or why it wouldn’t work if I used ている or ているところ
Edit: Oh I see I’ve asked this question before and you were showing me where you already answered it. Thanks! Sorry I’ve been working out in the sun a lot and I’m a bit frazzled when I get home


Hi! Could someone from the Bunpro team please activate my subscription? I really don’t know how lengthy a waiting time to expect, thus I’m asking. Especially since it’s Saturday and I don’t know whether subscriptions are activated on the weekends, at all? I figured that others had this problem before me, but I don’t think that a whole new thread on its own is necessary to address this, so I’m posting here instead. Thank you in advance!


Hi! “First-time caller, long time listener” and I still haven’t figured out exactly what 硬 in some grammar points is supposed to indicate.

Is this about the difficulty? Set phrases? I never paid much attention to it but I’m curious now.

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@HaroldoNVU I found it!
" The grammar point’s meaning and structure are listed under the Meaning tab. Some grammar points have further breakdowns, specific rules, or nuances that will appear in orange under the meaning and structure. Grammar points that have exceptions to rules, irregular conjugations, etc. will be marked with a :warning: symbol. Grammar points marked with “硬” indicate that that grammar point is formal. "

It was kinda hidden on the forums, specifically the FAQ. I didn’t have any idea what it was either :slight_smile:


Thank you. I can see the pattern now :upside_down_face:

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Hi, when doing reviews I see that there are some keyboard shortcuts, for example, “a” to show the correct answer. But it doesn’t work in kana input mode (which I use to type answers).

Switching between input modes is quite a hassle. Is there any way to use shortcuts in kana input mode?


Hi, I’m fundamentally not understanding something.
This is the grammar point なくて | Japanese Grammar SRS which I think I understand.
I don’t understand part of this sentence
The question wants you to augment [暖かい]
It says the correct way to do this is 暖かくなくて.
My question is why is い becoming く. Why doesn’t い become き?
What am I not understanding here, why does it change vowels?

Hey @Superpnut !

When conjugating い-adjectives into their negative form, the い gets dropped and is replaced with a く. This might be useful!


Hi, can anyone explain why this is wrong?


During the lesson, it said that the answer is も “Tanaka-san is also famous”, but to me as a new person to grammar, it seems like it should also make a lot of sense as “Tanaka-san is famous”.

I didn’t use the hint to show that it wanted “both”.

I suppose my question is, how are you supposed to know that this is "も” during a lesson without using a hint when は also seems correct too. It seems impossible unless there is a trick I’m missing.

Should we not have something to say someone else is famous first, so that we can know to use “も”.


Lewby: Alice is famous
Bob: What about Tanaka-san?
Lewby: Tanaka-san is also famous.

But I think I was only shown 田中さん_有名です。so there is no way to know it’s “also” rather than は.


Take this with a big grain of salt because I’m lower intermediate myself and not super confident in my particle knowledge, but I think は here, if anything, implies the opposite because it has a contrastive function. It’s more like Tanaka (as opposed to whoever was discussed before) is famous.


But either way, there is no:

Because we’re given the sentence in a vacuum, so I think without more context it could be が、は or も.

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