General small question/new people thread

Hello ,

new here ^^
it is normal that for the review , i get grammar point of stuff i didn’t yet study
exemple i have ru-verb study , and on the review it ask negative form that i have yet to study on bunpro
a little bit annoying when you try to give the right answer

nt : when i got it wrong , showing grammar point don’t show me the right grammar point of the review

That might just be a review point that has both normal and negative reviews built in. A few of the early reviews are very condensed and it’s honestly kind of frustrating but you just have to grind through them. And occasionally they do show the wrong review. I don’t know why it does that either. Site isn’t perfect but it’s still very good.
If you keep having problems with the point you can go to it’s forum post [ click the button that says “ask a question” ] and it will take you to a discussion about that particular question. There someone probably asked about your issue, and if not you get to let people feel smart by asking them :slight_smile:

Are you following any path on the site? Or are you just adding points at random? The website follows along one particular path with regards to the example sentences. If you use the Bunpro path, the example sentences won’t show you anything you haven’t learned, although this won’t be the case with other paths because that would require a million different example sentences aaaand no one has time for that.

This really isn’t a problem after N5 though, but like learning any language, there’s some things that can’t be avoided. Welcome though!

Thanks for answering , no i didn’t add point at random , just following the path of the website ,
today study , was the negative form , so i learn them either way :smiley:
like say supernut ,it is a bug i think ( i have done right after the study my review and it was negative form of verb , no 4 H waiting time :DD )

Yes hello please I have a question.
This sentence is from だけでなく | Japanese Grammar SRS
The question isn’t about how the grammar point works but a word at the end

Not only can my boyfriend cook, but he can also do housework, so it is really helpful.

My question is about this part : 凄い助かる
The website says it means “it is really helpful.” And I’m sure that’s what it means.

Now I use yomichan which I’m sure a lot of you do and when I select it I get this.
forum question
Here is a jisho link: 凄い -
The first result is terrible. And yes the second result is amazing. Which is basically opposites.

Alright the question. How am I really supposed to figure out which definition is good for which part beyond context. It’s something I struggle with and this sentence is just an example. But what’s a good method for figuring out which definition is good. Because when I got the review and tried to self translate it I thought the sentence meant it “Wasn’t helpful” that he did that. Which is just so far off from the spirit of the sentence that that is just a failed translation on my part.

So please, if you got any tips, what’s a goodish method of knowing what they mean beyond just knowing already.

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English has this issue too, actually:
The best way to get better at determining the correct context is by inputting more native material. I’ve found that it’s often unproductive to worry about stuff I don’t know day to day - I’ll just create an anki card and move on.
すごい in particular is used frequently in anime and daily conversation (my tutor uses it like every other sentence). There’s also やばい which has a similar contradictory definition.
As far as getting context from this particular sentence, you have だけでなく which sort of implies that the first half of the sentence goes with the second half. It wouldn’t make sense if the first half was “he’s a good cook” and then the second half was “but he’s terrible at helping”
Anyway, I hope I helped


Ya english does have a bunch of words like that too.
I was kind of hoping some elder language learned just had some hidden trick that might help me. Oh well >:)
I’m sure hearing the tone of the person would make this one obvious.

I’d say if 凄い is being used on its own typically as a reaction like in example 2 from jisho すごいぞ then it’s positive at least in modern speech. Otherwise it’s a question of what word comes after it, in this case 助かる is positive and so 凄い is aswell whereas すごく怖かった would be in the opposite direction. Finally translating that sentence as saying “Terribly helpful” would be fine in English it’s just a little old fashioned

Hi guys back with another question


The teacher wrote, ‘It is dangerous.’

This is another example sentence.

Why or maybe how does ”危ない” mean dangerous and not “not dangerous”
I thought it was a pretty hard and fast rule that ない means “not or isnt”
What makes this one different or am I just wrong about ない

You’re correct that ない usually means negative in modern Japanese, but 危ない means dangerous. It’s negative form is 危なくない

The history is interesting. The 「あぶ」in 「あぶない」is from contracting 「危うし」to 「あやう・あやぶ」and then to 「あぶ」。The 「ない」was used at the end of the word colloquially to emphasize the meaning of the word. It looks like it became the common usage over time.

Source: 危ない/あぶない - 語源由来辞典


Okay I’m here with another question because I get confused easily :)))

While I was walking through the forest, I listened to the birds singing.
Grammar point is ながら | Japanese Grammar SRS

Pretty simple sentence but for some reason I keep trying to use ている instead of ながら. And I think it’s because I haven’t quite understood them enough to see how their different. I think after looking at them and reading I got it but I was hoping someone could tell me if I’m getting it or if that isn’t quite it. If I used ている in that sentence making it


It would be wrong because I’d be saying
I ||Is|| walking through the forest, I listened to the birds singing.
Which makes the first part wrong and kinda disconnects the second half of the sentence.

Is that why ている is wrong or am I still not getting it?
Please help :slight_smile:


I think you understand. If you use ている then it’s really two sentences with nothing linking the two.
When you use ながら (あるきながら) then it makes you think that the person is doing something else while walking. The second part of the sentence answers that: he listened to birds while walking.
To put it another way, you couldn’t use ながら by itself, but you can use ている by itself.

Just had another thought – maybe this is confusing because they both get translated with ~ing. “I am walking” (I am in the state of “walk”) and “while walking” (during the process of “walk”) are different concepts in Japanese.


Okay thanks! And now that you pointed it out I think it was the “ing” that was tripping me up. Thanks! ありがと~~~


So got another question :slight_smile:
For this grammar point じゃないか | Japanese Grammar SRS
じゃないか || isn’t it?

So to be polite you can say it as : じゃないですか
Which is fine, but could you ever say it as : じゃないますか or じゃないませんか
Is that ever viable or is it a no?

In that case you’d use the polite conjugations じゃありませんか or ではありませんか.

じゃない is actually a conjugation of ある and じゃないです (while imo the most commonly used) is kind of a roundabout way of conjugating ありません.



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Okay I have another question~ >:)
This time it is about てくれる

In the blue fun fact section it says: Fun-fact - てくれる is one of the most casual ways to ask for a favor, w…
But then some of the questions ask you to answer it in the polite fashion.
Which looks like is normally ました or ます.
But I just don’t really get why you’d ever use the polite ending if it’s casual.
Would that make it kind of like a mocking thing to do? Or is it more along the lines of, nah sometimes you just make it polite and it’s not a big deal.
Do people do this or is it just a grammar exercise and nothing more?

てくれる?— casual
てくれますか? — polite
てくれませんか? — polite

So, how do you ask for a favor? - #9 by mrnoone

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What exactly does the “Streak Average Over Time” section in the Statistics Page mean?


桜を見 --ながら-- パーティーをしようと思う。[見る]
I think that I will have a party while viewing cherry blossoms.


This is a question from the ながら grammar point.
My question is how would it change the sentence if I used ている or ているところ instead of ながら.
Because I guess I don’t know what the difference between the points are. In my head they all seem to work like “ing” does in english. Would appreciate it if anyone knew