ごとに - Grammar Discussion

at intervals of


  • Noun + ごとに
  • Verb + ごとに

[For continuous variables like seconds, minutes, hours assuming that event is momentary Xおきに can be replaced with Xごとに meaning every X]
[For discrete variables like days, weeks, months, stairs etc Xおきに cannot be replaced with Xごとに]

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Can someone please explain what ごとに does in this sentence?

Hi there,

The ごとに used here is actually not the same use as this grammar lesson. In this sentence, ごと is attached to 勝負, which make the word 勝負事, which means, ‘competition/game/game of chance’. So the sentence, 彼は将棋やポーカーといった勝負事に強い, translates to ‘He is very good at games like shogi and poker.’


Oh ok thank you very much!

I don’t understand the diference in use of に and ごとに. Sometimes i write に im suppose to write ごとに and i dont understand why.

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Same, I was asked to expand my answer on a review, but forgot about the existence of ごとに.
Still, i don’t know what the difference is between these two grammar points.

Hi guys!

In this sentence, what is the interval?

I though this grammar would work only with intervals, like time for example, but I can’t see why it is used here.

Hey @gutocbs !

Sorry for the late reply!

ごとに could also be used to express that something happens ‘every (A)’ and not only as ‘at intervals of (A)’. When it is used like it is in the example you provided, it has the nuance of ‘each’. This means that this sentence has the nuance of ‘to each student, I gave a paper’.

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I see! Thank you!