~かというと② - Grammar Discussion

if you ask me…
if I had to say
if I were to say
if I were to choose one
I’d rather


  • Question Word + ん/の + かというと / かといえば
  • Question Word + Phrase + ん/の + かというと / かといえば

[Used to create a dramatic effect by forcing the listener to wait for a response]
[Also often used when the speaker wants more time to think about the answer]

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Just came across the adventures of ブンポウちゃん and ユーザくん, this is quite the soap opera :rofl:

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Can anyone help me understand the function of の・ん in this grammar point? The structure legend indicates that の・ん is part of the grammar, but only one of the examples uses it:


If I were to say what kind of person he is, it would be a person that looks scary at first glance, but in reality, is as kind as an angel.

Do we need to use なの here instead of だ? Is the difference between 人なのかというと and 人かというと that the first one says “he is?” And if that’s the case, does this use of の actually fit the grammar point?

Thanks in advance.

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Hey @wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV :smiley:

It is optional and adds the nuance of explanatory tone and could be simply replaced with:
どんな人かというと一見怖そうなのに実は天使のように優しい人です without change of meaning.

だ cannot be really used instead of なの, because か cannot follow the だ. However It can follow the の, Noun + だった or simply the Noun directly.

I have fixed the structure and sorry for the inconvenience,
Cheers :slight_smile:


Ah, gotcha. の having an explanatory nuance makes sense. Thanks for the clarification!

Also, thanks for confirming that だ cannot precede か here. I had a feeling that was the case, but it was really difficult to find the magic search criteria, so I wasn’t sure.


So I must be missing something, but I just had this pop up in the reviews and got it wrong because I wrote かというと and not かっていうと. I didn’t see the second form mentioned anywhere in the explanation.

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Do you remember what the sentence in question was? Will help to hone in on what could potentially be the problem.

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ニノさん:用事があるわけではないけど、どちら(かっていうと) 家でゆっくりしたい。

I’m guessing maybe it’s just that it is the casual って for と、but it seemed strange that it just marks it wrong instead of asking for a more casual link?

Hey there! It seems like というと has been added to the list of accepted answers! Thank you for letting us know about this error and we apologize for the inconvenience!

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