ぬ - Grammar Discussion

classical negative
classical Verb[ない]


  • Verb[ない] +
  • Verb[ない] + + Noun

:warning:Irregular Verbs​:warning:


:warning:Some set phrases cannot be rephrased to ない

[ぬ was used in classical Japanese to express the negation of verbs. It is very rarely used in modern daily life]

[ぬ is mostly seen in set phrases, older texts and novels/dramas/anime and manga set in the past. Originally it was only used to modify nouns]

[There is also another classical construction Verb[stem] + ぬ meaning “to do completely”]

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Will there also be a grammar point for ~ず?

I have noticed there have been comparisons made to this grammar in this resource.

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There is a grammar point for ずに.

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There are ~12 V-ず grammar points right now and most are adverbial v-ずに while ぬ is a modifier as an archaic ない. I didn’t see anything that was interchangeable between these two, was there a specific usage that hasn’t been covered yet for ず?

ずに looks like the most relevant one I think, I’ll have a look at that.

it would be cool if in the description for this grammar point, it clarified that the いる→おらぬ for this conjugation also applied to verbs in their ている form (like されている → されておらぬ). its not just for いる by itself, although it may naturally be implied for a lot of people, i didn’t pick up on it from the written description lol