に至るまで にいたるまで - Grammar Discussion

(everything) from… to…
from… up until…
starting with… - ending with…


  • (Noun1 + から/より) Noun2 + に至るまで

[Used to emphasize a wide range of something. Often expresses something extreme, unusual]

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What is the difference between Noun1 + から Noun2 + にかけて and (Noun1 + から/より) Noun2 + に至るまで?
What’s the difference between these two phrases?

Hey @Yuri9622 !

~から~にかけて is used to represent an approximate range of what happened, and ~から~に至るまで is used when there is a set starting point and an ending point in what is being described. The first sentence has a nuance of ‘Samurai were active somewhere between the 12th century and the 19th century, but there were times where they weren’t as active,’ and the second sentence has the nuance of ‘Samurai were continuously active from the 12th century to the 19th century.’

I hope that answers your question!