各 かく - Grammar Discussion



  • + Noun

[Prefix added to nouns to express “each element from the group” meaning]

[Mostly added to words of Chinese origin]

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I’ve had this sentence come up, and I have a question:
この旅館(りょかん)には日本(にほん) かく 地(ち)からお客(きゃく)さまが来(く)る。
Is the 日本…地 bit a colloqualism? “Each earth of Japan”, or whatever it would exactly mean, certainly doesn’t seem like a direct translation.

各地 means something like “various places” or “every place”. Not literally “earth” but 地 as in 土地 or 地方.

日本各地から could also be translated as from everywhere in Japan, from every corner of Japan, etc.

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I wondered where you were getting this 各 from at first, but it’s the kanji for かく, isn’t it…
That explains it, thanks.
I think part of my wondering at the time had to do with the English translation, which I really should have included, but I think was along the lines of “from all over Japan”. I guess that wouldn’t be a direct translation anyway.