English translation:
called, named, as much as
Noun + という + Noun
Why is Noun + だ + という + Noun not used in this format?
Hey and welcome on the community forums!
Think of it as a convention, this way it is easier to distinguish it from other uses of という, like for example when it is used at the end of a sentence to express hearsay, where だ can precede it. (彼はアメリカ人だという I heard that he is an American)
So, when you see ワンダという魚 you know it means a fish called wanda.
I hope it helps cheers!
So it’ll accept という and っていう but shouldn’t just って also be accepted?
って on its own is understood as a は, as they serve the same basic function of topic marker particles. Only difference is that って is much more casual.
When used as っていう、it’s a direct replacement of と。That’s why って only isn’t accepted. Hope this cleared it up!