なぜなら〜から - Grammar Discussion

English translation:
because, the reason is, that is because

Phrase1。 なぜなら(ば) + Reason of Phrase1 + から
Phrase1。 なぜかというと + Reason of Phrase1 + から

[Used to emphasize the reason of previous statement.]

View on Bunpro

Can be found in A Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar, Page: 371

Is there any difference in formality or meaning between なぜなら and なぜならば?

is there any reason i couldn’t use だって for the sentence 彼は泳ぎに行けなかった。___, 寒かったから? just wondering because it didn’t give me a warning


Hi @owlhoods, sorry for the super late reply.
The clue- ‘だって usually appears in more casual sentences that end with もん or もの. Let’s try something else.’ has now been added to all example sentences :bowing_man:

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