といった - Grammar Discussion

such… as
so much as


  • Noun + といった
    Verb[る] + といった

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How is this different from という?

Hey @ljoekelsoey !

という is often used with things that only have one meaning like names, knowledge/facts, and when you want an answer about something you don’t know. On the other hand, といった is used when there are multiple meanings/options, for example, when you want to list off some examples out of many others in a sentence.

Since they have a slight different in nuance, they cannot be used interchangeably. For example, 彼は将棋やポーカーといった勝負ごとに強い。This sentence has the nuance that shogi and poker are some examples of match-based games that he is skilled at, but they aren’t the only ones he is skilled at. However, 彼は将棋やポーカーという勝負ごとに強い, has the nuance that he is only skilled at shogi and poker, but nothing else.

We hope that this answers your question!

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