中を なかを - Grammar Discussion

inside of


  • Verb + 中を
  • Verb[た] + 中を
  • いAdj + 中を
  • Noun・の + 中を

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Is the difference between 中に and 中を that 中に is used for the existence of something, while 中を is used to show that an action occurred inside a place?There is no explanation for this grammar pattern, but this seems to be the case. Can anyone provide more insight?

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Hey there! Yes 中に is used when something exists inside something, because of how に is used to describe the ‘end-point’ of an action. Unlike に, を is used to describe the thing where the action is being performed ‘through’.

家の中に猫がいる。There is a cat in the house.
家の中を猫が歩く。A cat walks inside the house. (The inside of the house is the object that ‘walking’ is performed through.)

You can find a more in-depth explanation in the information section for and .

We hope that this answers your question!


Could you instead say 「家の中猫が歩く」? If so, how would the meaning change (using で vs. を)?

Hey there! You could say 家の中で猫が歩く,but there is a slight difference in nuance.
The sentence using で has the nuance of the cat just walking somewhere in the house, while the sentence using を has the nuance of the cat ‘traveling’ or walking around the house.

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Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!