なし - Grammar Discussion



  • なし + で/では + Phrase
  • Phrase + なし だ。
  • なし + の + Noun

Phrase meaning “without.” Often used as A なし B, with the negative potential form or something similar to express that B is impossible without A.

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I would be interested in finding out more about the nuances between なし and 抜き, there doesn’t appear to be a grammar item for the latter yet but they seem to be quite similar.

I have written a little bit about what I could work out here:

@Ambo100 Thank you for the write-up! We actually do have ぬき on Bunpro, however, we had not highlighted the differences between the two similar grammar points. I have added your answer on Japanese Stack Exchange to both なし and ぬき. Cheers!

Oh I see thank you! I was trying to find ぬき as a plain suffix form.

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In this example sentence it says the required grammar is formal, but on the grammar point’s page it doesn’t say anything about being formal. I just wondered if there could be a little more clarity here.

@Aythreuk Hey! You are right. It looks like the “formal tags” are not showing up during reviews. You should be seeing “硬” on the grammar point’s main page which indicates that the grammar point is formal. We will update reviews so that they also display the correct tags. Cheers!

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I’m a little embarrassed that I didn’t know that about that kanji. Wanikani only taught it to me as meaning ‘stiff’, but with a little hindsight it’s an easy connection to make.

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