すぎる - Grammar Discussion

too much


  • Verb[stem] + すぎる
  • Negative Verb[] + すぎる
  • い-Adjective [] + すぎる
  • な-Adjective + すぎる
  • Adjective ending in な + すぎる

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Is it possible to get more examples/tests for the following?

  • Negative Verb[] + さ すぎる
  • Adjective ending in な + さ すぎる

I realized that the example sentences do not cover the above; which would be really helpful!


We are adding new examples!
By the way, it is also common to write Verb[] + すぎる so 食べなさすぎる or 食べなすぎる。


New examples have been added :+1:


Thanks! :smiley:
I see some of these new sentences now in the review; very helpful! :slight_smile:


Here’s what I’ve got:

この冗談は - this joke
面白い - funny
面白くない - not funny
To add すぎる you must first drop い and add さ - 面白くなさ
Then add すぎる - 面白くなさすぎる
Then that has to go into the past tense - 面白くなさすぎた

Does that look correct?


Yes, you are right! :smile:
You got it :+1:

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That’s a relief! Thank you!

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Do you mind if I work through one more?
For some reason I’m having real problems with this grammar and working it out helps a lot!

To sleep is 寝る
The negative of to sleep is 寝ない
Drop い and add さ
Then add すぎる, but use past tense - すぎた
Got it! Thank you!

Yes! That is right!

Sorry for the slow answer :bowing_man:

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Is there a difference in meaning between using the negative verb stem before すぎる vs. using the negative form of すぎる? Is this a valid grammar?

Using the examples:
この冗談は面白くなさすぎた。 The joke was not too funny.

寝なさすぎたから、疲れた。I was tired because I didn’t sleep very much.

お菓子かしを食すぎないでください。Please don’t eat too much candy.
お菓子かしを食なさすぎてください。 ???

Apologies if my grammar is incorrect!
Thank you!


Hey :grin:

Sorry for the slow answer :bowing_man:

There is a difference(I will use 食べる as an example):

is used in negative questions or when telling someone to not eat too much, mostly as:
食べすぎない? (aren’t you (X) eating too much?)
食べすぎないようにする (try ones best to not eat too much)
食べすぎないように (so that one won’t eat too much, this use of ように is not yet added to Bunpro)

On the other hand, 食べなさすぎる means that someone barely eats something, eats too little, does not eat very much.


example sentence ねなさ すぎた から、疲つかれた。

I’m fairly certain the audio plays the wrong sentience

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You are absolutely right!

Thank you for informing us about the bug!
The sentence has been added to “to record” list :+1:

Sorry for the inconvenience! :bowing_man:

I’m a little confused with this translation

“This joke was not very funny” feels somewhat soft to me (I’m not a native speaker, might be getting the nuance wrong here)

In comparison I would translate the sentence from above as:
“This joke was ‘too much not funny’.” I’d interpret this as “This joke was not funny at all”, which feels quite harsh, but goes along pretty well with the “beyond normal” feeling of すぎる

Am I misunderstanding something?

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Hey :smiley:

“not funny at all” and “not very funny -> exceedingly not funny -> extremely not funny - too dull” are very similar, but not the same. They differ at degree.

To say not funny at all you would use 全然面白くない、とてもおもしろくない etc.

It took me a while to figure out that this grammar point is essentially the verb 「過ぎる」(*). Now that I know this an ichidan verb, it is also clear where the conjugated forms 「すぎた」 and 「すぎない」 come from. But why are there no example sentences utilising the polite verb form 「すぎます」?

(*): I think you should always mention the kanji spelling if there is one available, even if it is not commonly used.


Additional question: Is 「過ぎ」 a regular verb form, or is it just an irregular mutation of this particular verb?

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It took me a while to figure out that this grammar point is essentially the verb 「過ぎる」(*). Now that I know this an ichidan verb, it is also clear where the conjugated forms 「すぎた」 and 「すぎない」 come from. But why are there no example sentences utilising the polite verb form 「すぎます」?

漢字 spelling has been added. Polite sentences also have been introduced. :+1:

Additional question: Is 「過ぎ」 a regular verb form, or is it just an irregular mutation of this particular verb?

過ぎ is a noun form, basically:

食べすぎる - to eat too much
食べ 過ぎ - overeating

Cheers :+1:


Regarding the example sentence:


Is おもすぎます wrong due to the でしょう?