ませんか - Grammar Discussion

won’t you


  • Verb[stem] + ません・か

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Does adding ませんか always have an implied “with me”? I noticed that all of the example sentences included it, even the ones without an explicit 一緒に or the like.


Hey :grin:

It often has “together with me (the inviter)” nuance, since it is used to make invitations but it is not always the case.


Won’t you become my teacher?


I see; thanks for the clarification!


I am just curious what the orange highlighting represents.

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@deltacat3 Hey! This just has to do with the note found on the grammar point’s Meaning page: “[Often used with 一緒に to clarify that the speaker wants to do something together].” Cheers!

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I just wanted to say, that I believe there is a typo in the description.

It probably should mean “an” invitation.

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Hey there! This seemed like a typo on our end so we have just fixed it!

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Is ないですか a valid way to end this form? (How です can be added to the end of ない to make it more polite)

In some of the examples/questions, it seems I need to put し before ませんか, for しませんか… But I can’t seem to find or understand the exact reasoning, unless it has something to do with し as a particle…?

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し is a stem form of the verb する, so thats why its added in those sentences.

welcome to the community :partying_face:

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Ah, naruhodo, thanks for the clarification! Seems like a great community :slight_smile:

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