For this,
During a long voyage, I became a real sailor.
Is there a reason I could not use の序でに instead of の間に?
Forgive me if this has been answered somewhere.
then how about the following sentences
I assume the latter would be wrong/unnatural since it became a select time frame due to いつも
while i am busy i cant always clean / or always while busy i cannot clean.
then theres the following sentence:
would the first one imply that because the baby fell asleep he won’t be able to eat anymore? wheres the second sentence simply states that the baby fell asleep?
I have a question about the last review sentence.
The article says:
When 間に is being used to express the period/space ‘until’ something happens/exists, it will be paired with まで.
And both examples in the article indeed use まで.
But the last review sentence doesn’t:
Are both options correct? Or is まで required?
Hey @casual !
Since 間に in this sentence is used to express the period/space ‘until’ something happens/exists, までに is required here, so we have fixed this sentence!