English translation:
not really
not considerably
not easily
seems not to
なかなか + Phrase + Verb[ない]
Used to express irritation when something is not easily accomplished, something takes too long.
English translation:
not really
not considerably
not easily
seems not to
なかなか + Phrase + Verb[ない]
Used to express irritation when something is not easily accomplished, something takes too long.
結果がなかなか出ない から不安です。
The hint for this sentence is “by no means”, but the translation is “I am anxious because it is taking quite some time for the results to be released.”
I think it would make more sense using the “not readily” meaning, since the results are not readily available, whereas I can’t see a way of expressing this meaning with “by no means” without changing the sentence somewhat (e.g. “I am by no means able to find out the result”).