たところ - Grammar Discussion

Thanks so much!! My main textbook is “Japanese for Busy People” (and Tae Kim) but I’m doing the grammar in Bunpro order, so I get things out of sequence sometimes.

ながら expresses simultaneous actions by the same subject. So now the mother is the one who is undressing.


Ah yes, good point. That makes the sentence a whole new level of WTF

Can anyone explain to me when I would use a で/に after ところ?
Looking at the examples, I see some have で/に and some don’t and I can’t discern a pattern.
For example, in this example I put 渡したところで but it was marked as incorrect.


@Munzu @Manab

Hey! (Will add examples soon)

Think of ところ as “stage” in which action is. You can liken it to a frame of a movie, for example,
食べるところだ is a frame where you are about to eat, 食べているところだ is a frame when you are eating (have the meal in your mouth for example) and finally, 食べたところだ is a frame when you are finished (and the food is in the belly).

When we have ところ covered we can think about the particles.

When we have a sentence of Verb[ている]ところ PARTICLE + B type, which is usually used to say that something (B) happened when we were doing Verb[ている]the particle we choose will depend on the main verb in (B).

So with verbs like いく、くる、起こる we use Verb[ている]ところに(ところへ)。


With verbs like 見る、書かれる、見つける、想像する and so on we use Verb[ている]ところを。 It usually depicts some kind of scene. When used with passive verbs, it has negative nuance - “unluckily”.

I was (unluckily) seen walking with a girl.

I have seen her/him training karate.

Those patterns are also used with Verb[ていた].

(there is another pattern with ところを、used to express politeness and usually limited to expressions like 忙しい and so on)

Asking a superior: “I hate to trouble you when you are in such a hurry, but could you let me hear your opinion about this project?”

When the verb is in the past tense (Verb[た]), and something happened soon after it we use ところで。

ところで is also used in the pattern ところで〜ない, meaning “even if” to express impossibility strongly. It is

Even if I studied all night, I would not pass.

「 謝ってみたところで、 彼女が許してくれるわけじゃないけど。」
Even if I try to apologize, it doesn’ t mean she will forgive me.”

It can be used in all kinds of negative context, even if negative verb is not used, for example:
Often together with expressions like だろう、無駄だ and so on.

ところで can be also used by itself at the beginning of the sentence to change the topic. Sentence (A)。 ところでSentence (B)。

By the way, do you know how to use a computer?

By the way, where is Uchimoto-san from?

ところが meaning “but; however;” can be used to express that something is contrary to one’s expectations, can be used by itself at the beginning of the sentence as Sentence (A). ところが、Sentence (B). And can also follow the verb as in Verbところが(B).

I thought that the Japanese team would win. However, they lost.

Just after I gave the new toy to (him/her), it broke.
(Yes, in this example you can use both で and が with different nuances, the first one focuses on it breaking immediately after giving the toy, the が version focuses on the unexpected result. I added てしまう because it is often used with ところが)

The last pattern is Verb[た」 ところ、(B) without any particles, where ところ means “when”. It is similar たら (when).

When I asked the person in question, she said that she had done it herself.


Thank you for the detailed explanation!


Is 服()()いでいたところ に、()部屋()()ってきた intentionally listed under this grammar point rather than ているところだ (JLPT N4) | Bunpro – Japanese Grammar Explained this one?

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It’s quite a bit confusing to see that the structure is Verb[た](1) + ところ + だ, but not a single example sentence in description has and never explains that it can be omitted to sound more natural. I had to double-check with third party resources as it definitely confused me.

I just came across this one and when I asked some teachers they said that ぬいでいところに would be more natural.