とされている - Grammar Discussion

to be considered
to be deemed
be regarded as
be accepted as


  • Verb + とされている
  • いAdj + とされている
  • なAdj + (だ) + とされている
  • Noun + (だ) + とされている

[Used to express that something is thought to be true by a large number of people; widely accepted]

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What does the 硬 mean on this Grammar Point? I’m curious ^^


Hey :blush:

It comes from 硬い. It means that grammar is generally used in formal writing/speech.



Perhaps it would be helpful to have a explanation for those who hover over or click on that so people know.

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Is removal of the “い” an option? As in conversationally it becomes

or is it never done?

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Yeah totally fine! However this makes it a bit more casual and when I talk to my friends they generally think of とされている as fairly formal.

The hints to distinguish between this grammar point and ~と考えられている really aren’t clear.


@ggw1776 Hey :blush:

I am working on it :+1:
Any suggestions?

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Sorry for the slow response! For this sentence in particular, it seems like the translation is looking for とされている, but it’s ~と考えられている. I think the translated sentence should read “The painting is thought to be the oldest ever painted by man”

“This painting is (widely) considered to be work of Rembrandt due to the similarity in technique.”

Can I ask where the “due to” part comes from here? I thought perhaps it was the により, but there doesn’t seem to be any such grammar point on the site.

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That’s exactly right!

I think it might be a bit harder to see because its actually two points in tandem: による and the formal conjuctive. I recommend reading the writeups for each of these, I’m sure it’ll come clear after reading them!

Hope this helps!

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I’ve had a go at responding in Japanese :sweat_smile:

Thanks - I hadn’t come to the formal conjunctive, and the last time I did a lot of studying, I don’t think the grammar point (how would you translate ‘point’ here?) explanations were there. I’ve been reading the explanations since then.

The explanations have been really helpful for getting a feel for the points before you come across them. This bit’s in English because I can’t think of a word for ‘helpful’!

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役に立てる説明と言っていいかな? :stuck_out_tongue:

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This hint sounds strange. Maybe:

  • It is going off the assumption that (A) is true.
  • It assumes (A) is true.
  • (Or just remove that line – the hint works without it – “(A) is true” doesn’t trigger the memory of any grammar point.)

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I came here to mention this! It’s not mentioned in the details for the grammar point. As a result, it doesn’t help you remember.
Also, one of the examples mentions WP40, but WP40 is a smoke grenade while WD40 is an oil-based lubricant!

Huh. 11 months later and still there.